1 - The Hotel

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A/N: The description of what Y/N looks like is in the bio of the story, enjoy!! :)


I have been in Hell for about 10 years now, and I fucking hate it. My "boyfriend" is an abusive piece of shit, and I'm only with him since he's letting me live with him for free. I don't have a job, since most seem to come with deals or ways of claiming my soul, and there is no way in hell I'm signing any shitty contract.

This year's extermination has just ended and I luckily survived to suffer another year in this shit hole. I sighed as I flopped down on the couch, flipping through till I got to the news. I hummed lowly, the broadcast being the princess of hell... singing...?

She apparently was trying to save the overpopulation issue by redeeming sinners to get them up to heaven. I couldn't help but laugh. Really? These assholes willingly wanting to be redeemed? As if!

I hummed as I thought about it tho. "I wouldn't mind being redeemed..." I mumbled to myself, looking around. "And it beats living here, anyway..." I got up and went to our bedroom, starting to pack my stuff to leave and head to that crummy hotel.

When I was on Earth, I didn't think I was a bad person. I thought I was sweet and kind, but I forgot god casted out queers, what a fucking bitch. I was non-binary and fucked around with both genders. I guess I was a slut, but I was just enjoying my life. Yeah now I see where that got me... nowhere. But maybe... just maybe, if I could redeem myself... I could be welcomed in heaven and leave this place.

I zipped up my suitcase and backpack, then started walking out of the house, being met with my sorry excuse for a boyfriend in the livingroom.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "We're fucking over, Jaxson. I found a new place to stay..."

He openly laughed, roughly grabbing my arm. "You really think I'm gonna just... let you leave??"

I scowled as he yanked me. "We aren't bound by any contract or deal, so I'll do what I damn well please, you fucking prick..."

His eyes went wide, shoving me roughly to the ground. "Fine, see if I give a shit when you're wasted or even dead on the side of the road, there're plenty of bitches down here...!"

I growled as I stood up, grabbing my stuff and leaving without another word, not wanting to entertain him any further.

I walked down the streets of hell until I came to the hotel, looking up at the tall building. "...this is it, my new home..." I mumbled, then went up to the door, gently knocking on it.

I anxiously stood there for a few seconds until the princess opened the door. "H-Hi... I heard you're trying to redeem sinners....?" I asked quietly.

She grew this big cheery smile, nodding enthusiastically. "Oh yes yes yes!! You've came to the right place!" She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me in, the door closing behind me.

I smiled softly. "Great, umm... my name is Y/N.."

She shook my hand. "It's so nice to meet you! My name is Charlie, Princess of Hell... but just call me Charlie!" She then grabbed another woman's hand, dragging her over. "And this is Vaggie, my girlfriend!"

I blinked, then smiled to her aswell. "It's nice to meet you..." I put my hand out.

Vaggie smiled a bit, shaking my hand. "Welcome to the hotel, you'll find Charlie makes it as homey as possible."

I nod. "And... it's free to live here, right? I don't have a job, or much money..."

Charlie tightly grabbed both my hands. "Oh of course you can stay for free!! The goal here is to get you to heaven, I wouldn't want to outcast someone just because they're less fortunate..."

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