4. Mango Smoothies and Murder

Start from the beginning

"I don't think she told anyone else. All I know is that his name's Cain," Calista replied. "Maybe you should speak to him? I wish I could help more, but I never met the guy and she never told me his last name."

Scarlett swore her own soul slipped out of her body. Did she hear that correctly? Amara was dating a vampire and never told her about it? It was ridiculous to be upset over, but Scarlett didn't understand why her sister had kept it a secret from her. If Scarlett found herself falling for a vampire, Amara would have been the first person she told.

Maybe they weren't as close as she had thought they were.

"Did she mention anything about visiting her boyfriend on the beach?" Rhys asked.

"She just told me she had things to take care of. Honestly, I thought she would have stayed with you at your shop, Scarlett." Calista gave her a sad smile. "I wish I'd done something to keep her here last night."

"You couldn't have known." Scarlett sighed. "I'm sure more of the Supernatural Council's detectives will drop by eventually."

The truth laid on the tip of her tongue, about how Amara was seeing a vampire. It would come to light whether she wanted it to or not. Maybe she should've been more forthcoming, but she didn't want to put Rhys in any danger either. Calista was a delightful person, but Scarlett wasn't sure how she'd react to learning a vampire stood in her shop.

"Let me know if you need anything, Scarlett. You know me and my family are here for you."

"That means a lot. Thank you." Scarlett clutched her pendant tightly.

"Do you want anything before you go?" Calista offered as she fiddled with her apron. "I want to try to keep myself busy today."

"I understand." Scarlett nodded as she pulled her change pouch from her dress pocket. "I'll take one of your mango smoothies."

"Make it two." Rhys stepped beside her with his wallet and dropped some coins on the counter.

Scarlett frowned. Hadn't he told her vampires couldn't digest mortal foods? Were mango smoothies somehow an exception?

Soon enough, Calista brought out their drinks and Scarlett thanked her before they made their way back outside. Raindrops pitter-pattered off the rainbow awning of her cafe as they made their way back down the cobblestone path to her apothecary. Agni perched himself on her shoulder and gave her drink a curious sniff, not seeming enticed by it.

Scarlett sipped her delicious mango smoothie, eyeing Rhys curiously as he held his. "You gonna drink that?"

"Can't. It's for you." Rhys glanced around at the buildings suspiciously before casting a hex bubble around them, probably to prevent any curious ears from listening in. "Sometimes I buy mortal foods to blend in around here. Your sister's friend will learn about Cain soon enough, but since she noticed I bought a smoothie, she won't think twice about me. I even sucked on the straw a bit in front of her to make it more believable."

"Are you ever tempted to eat stuff like this?" Scarlett asked.

"No. It doesn't taste the same." Rhys recoiled. "Very toxic to our bodies as well."

"Do you think Amara was giving her blood to your friend? Is that something vampires do with their partners intimately?"

"Strange thing to bring up." Rhys frowned.

"We're talking about drinking. Blood is literally your only drink source, and I'm trying to picture my sister romantically with a vampire. Is it like in the novels?"

"Novels?" Rhys raised a brow. "What kind of novels are there about feeding? You thought vampires were extinct."

"Ah, they're nothing important." Scarlett chuckled nervously before taking a sip of her smoothie. Warmth crept through her cheeks.

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