The resurrected werewolf nodded along with my words, thinking. It was then that Scott walked back into the room.

"We need to go to the hospital," he said. "There's something wrong with Jackson's body."

Derek and Peter looked at each other before turning to us. "Alright you three go. We'll call you if we find anything."

I narrowed my eyes. I didn't know Peter enough to trust him, and I certainly didn't trust Derek, but all the moment it was all we could do. I followed Scott and Isaac out of the broken house and into the car. It was an awkward ride, to say the least, with me looking anywhere but Isaac in the front seat.

When we arrived at the hospital Scott started directing us to the morgue which I reluctantly entered. I didn't really want to be in a morgue, but I didn't seem to have much of a choice. We found Melissa standing over a body bag half opened and, with no small amount of dread, I peered inside.

"Ew, what is that?"

Jackson's body seemed to somehow be preserved in a thick sheen of something gooey, coating his body from the neck down.

"I thought you were going to tell me," Melissa said. "Is it bad?"

"It doesn't look good," Isaac commented.

I tried using my magic to prod the body, see if I could detect something about it, but when my power got close it shrank backwards, like something was blocking it. I frowned. "The slimy stuff has some sort of anti-magic substance to it. I can't do anything with my magic."

Jackson twitched, his body jerking to the right and everyone stepped back. I only just managed to muffle my gasp as I stared at the very gooey Jackson.

"Uh, mum could you zip it up please?" Scott asked, eyes fixed on Jackson's figure.

Melissa gave her son a what the fuck Scott sort of look but didn't refuse, probably because she could see her son was scared and would do anything to make him feel safer, even if it was just by a little bit.

"Okay," she said, walking towards the body reluctantly. Her hands found the zipper and she started slowly moving it up the bag, closing it. "Okay, okay, here we go, we're okay-"

The zipper got stuck just before it reached Jackson's head. Scott half jerked towards his mum and half away, like he wanted to help but he was too scared to. Melissa tugged the zipper and when nothing happened tugged it harder, only for Jackson to open his mouth and hiss at her, showing off some of his razor-sharp teeth in the process.

Melissa jumped, though she didn't move away and at Scott's insistence continued zipping the bag until finally, Jackson was covered and we all felt a semblance of relief even though with teeth as sharp as his he'd probably be able to eat his way through the bag, but we weren't going to think about that.

We called Derek after that to explain what had happened, only to hear the unfortunate news of what was happening to him.

"He's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws," Scott explained. He kept the phone on speaker so the rest of us could hear him.

There was silence as Derek and Peter talked about something before Derek, his voice too panicked for my liking, said, "Scott bring him to us."

"Not sure if we have time for that," Scott said, looking at the body bag that had started moving.

Boy was I glad we'd zipped it up, otherwise it would be a much more terrifying view.

"Scott, get him out of there now. Go now. Jackson is transforming into something else. A creature we do not want to have to fight. You need to go now."

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