I stepped inside the stall where he was chained at and noticed that he was bleeding from his face and his clothes were torn as he bled from where his skin had been exposed through his clothes. I slowly placed the bucket down next to my legs as I slowly got on my knees a quickly grabbed a cloth then stuck it inside the water before I started cleaning the blood from his face but he winced in pain after I touched his face.

Myrabella: it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.

I heard him say something but it was in a different language and I didn't understand what he said.

Myrabella: I'm afraid I don't understand your language.

Noell: you humans disgust me...

Myrabella: I am sorry for how you're being treated, I wish I could convince my father to release you from these chains.

I watched as he tried freeing his wrists from the chains but it only caused him more pain.

Myrabella: I will return with food for you, please forgive my father for you being here.

Noell: stop pretending like you're doing me a favor, I know you were sent to look after me.

I left him long enough to get some food from the kitchen and take it to him, I noticed that the guards had left the dungeon and I quickly removed the chains off of one of his wrists so he could eat and drink.

Noell: why are you so eager to help me?

Myrabella: because I don't want to see you lose your life while in my care, it doesn't matter why you're here because you still are a living being.

Noell: your father might disagree with you, all he cares about is ending something that he started.

Myrabella: I know that I'm unaware of what is going on but he wants to put an end to this war and he believes that you can help him do that.

Noell: and yet you're here trying to get any useful information out of me to help him, what a pathetic excuse for a king and a father.

Myrabella: will you help or not?

Noell: only if you can convince your sad excuse for a father to free me.

Myrabella: I will if you promise not to run away from the kingdom.

Noell: only because you asked me to stay...

I watched as he finished eating his food and heard the guards walk through the door and noticed that one of his hands were free but they didn't say anything since he was eating.

I gently cleaned the blood from his back and heard him wince in pain as the damp cloth touched the scars on his skin, I noticed that they were deep and it made me feel pity for him because he was being treated like a wild animal.

Noell: don't feel sorry for me princess....

Myrabella: you don't deserve being treated this way. I wish there was a way that I could free you from this place...

Noell: I deserve what I get, you should go before the guards start torturing me again.

Myrabella: I will speak with my father.

Noell: thank you for the food.

I walked out of the dungeon and heard him being tortured some more which hurt my heart to hear him cry out in pain. I headed back to the throne room and seen my father sitting on the throne while he was lost in thought, I slowly approached him and seen him look up at me.

King William: have you got anything from the prisoner?

Myrabella: not yet but there is the concern of his well-being father, I wish to see him free from harm and the chains that are holding him.

King William: I can't take the chance of him escaping the kingdom.

Myrabella: than I'm afraid that I won't speak with him for you Father, he is being tortured and beaten by your own guards. I won't stand for what he is being put through father, if you wish for me continuing doing this for you then you will free him.

King William: you have your mother's spirit, she hated others being wounded no matter what they did. Very well Myrabella, I will have him released from the chains but you are in charge of him from now on. I will have my guards keeping a watchful eye out for you both.

Myrabella: thank you father.

I headed back to my room and he was brought here shortly after but he was locked in a cage that was in the corner of my room, I knew that it would do him some good since he would be able to heal while I kept an eye on him.

Noell: thank you Princess...

Myrabella: I know this isn't what you wanted but at least you won't be tortured anymore.

Noell: I am in your debt, if there is anything I can do...

Myrabella: I expect you not to leave this kingdom, my father has his guards keeping an eye on us since you're going to be with me from now on.

Noell: as you wish princess...

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