-A Dream or a Vision-

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I woke up on a cold, dusty floor the air around me was stale and hard to breathe in, I was chained to the floor how did I get here? I was just in my soft, cozy bed under my warm blankets and now...now I'm here in a dark cold room. Everything on my body hurt, my legs, my arms, my head Everything hurt. What happened why was I here? I didn't know the anwser to the million questions that were running through my head, all that was heard in that small room that looked like a cell was the drip of water, dripping onto the floor splashing the wall and things around it.

What seemed like hours of sitting in the same spot I heard footsteps, I immediately put up my gaurd and awaited what was to come. I saw a figure standing in the behind dim light, he was tall around 6'5, short hair. I couldn't see much but I did notice something, his eyes. They were a shade of beautiful green. He looked at me with a worried expression, and just as he was about to come into the light I woke up.

Panting and breathing heavy I looked around and saw my room. What was that? It felt so real. It felt like this wasn't a dream. Like it was a vision...a vision I was supposed to see, but who was that man and why did he look worried. If that was a small bit of my future someone was out to get me. was it that man? But he looked worried. Something doesn't add up and I'm gonna figure it out.

Forbidden Fate Of Two EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon