"Hehe, that's stupid, Mommy," Saki giggled, fidgeting with her plushie's ear.

     "You'll see when you're older how much sense this makes," Saki's mother chuckled. "And how incredibly poetic your mother can be."

     "Sure, Mommy," Tsukasa said with a smile. "Play with us!"

     "No, I have to go get ready to leave," She replied. "You guys should, too."

     "Awh, BOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Tsukasa pouted, crossing his arms.

     "Yeah, BOOOOOOOOO MOMMY!!!!!!" Saki said, taking inspiration from her older brother's example.

     "Okay, you're both going in your pyjamas, then!"

     "HUHHHH?!? NOOOOO!!!!!!"


     "You'd better get ready, then!"


     The two children got changed and Saki strapped her bunny plushie onto the side of her pants with a belt.

     "Okay, kids, are you ready to go?" Mr. Tenma deadpanned.

     "YEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!" The siblings said, both saying it with the same amount of energy and enthusiasm.

     The children's father put on a disgusted expression. "Great," He said, devoid of any emotion except for his irritation.

     Mrs. Tenma's happy expression turned into one of anger.


     "WOAH!!!!" Tsukasa cried, his eyes sparkling as he saw the massive boat before him, bobbing side to side on the waves.

     Mr. Tenma just barely cracked a smile.

     "OOOHHHH, COOOOOOLLLL!!!" Saki breathed. "LOOK HOW BIG IT IS, TSUKASAAAA!!!!" She grabbed the sleeve of Tsukasa's shirt and hopped up and down.

     Mr. Tenma's face displayed nothing but irritation once more.

     "Let's go. Move it." He said, shoving Saki towards the edge of the platform they were all standing on.

     Saki let out a yelp and managed to stumble back onto her feet. Mrs. Tenma glared at Mr. Tenma. She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away as Tsukasa ran over to Saki.

     "SAKI!!!!!" Tsukasa cried. "SAKI, ARE YOU OKAY?????"

     Saki was shivering and squeezing her purple bunny plushie as if her life depended on it. "I-I almost fell into the water!! I can't swim!" She had tears in her eyes and it wasn't long before they began to roll down her cheeks.

     Saki threw herself into her brother's arms as he patted her back gently in an attempt to comfort her.

     When the siblings' parents came back, one of their father's cheeks was bright red, as if something had hit him there, hard. Mrs. Tenma looked extremely furious.

     The mother of the two children grabbed the Saki's hand and the little girl let go of Tsukasa, who followed them as they boarded the boat. It was full of people.

     "Woah! Mommy, look how many people there are!" Tsukasa said.

     "Yeah," The boy's mother said apathetically.

     "Mommy, why—"

     "Just SHUT UP, Tsukasa! You're such a stupid child! Can't you see that your sister is CRYING AND SHAKING?! She's terrified! Stop being such an attention seeker, brat!" She snapped.

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