First day - Part 1

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Liam gives you a smile which you return before turning to Elisabeth. Who turns to Zoe.

"Okay, now, you, no more wandering off, okay." She tells her and your eyebrows raise a bit at her having already wandered a bit.

You could relate you had a bit of a rebel sister, who would wander off all the time to your annoyance growing up.

"Have fun! Bye!" She calls out and follow after you to the clinic.

(Josh, Maddy and Zoe.)


"Let's keep it simple. Why don't you two give us a hand with some weeding."

"Weeding? Yeah, I think we can handle that." Jim says looking at his son who agrees with a nod.

"Good." The man then says and looks up at the fence.

Liam and Jim follows his gaze and their face falls.

"You know, this place needs a whole lot of upkeep. I'll leave you to it." He says and claps their shoulders before leaving.

Jim and Liam share a look before turning to the insane amount of huge weed that has grown all the way to the top of the fence.

"Okay." Jim whispers trying to encourage himself to do this.

Liam just walks over to the fence, picks up a machete and gets to work. Jim coming up right after.

After working for a long time up at the fence they both had thrown their shirt off, sweating as they worked hard.

As Jim worked and cut the weed, a huge bug crawled on his hand. He slowly turns and let's go of the fence. Falling backwards towards the ground he exclaims.

"Whoa!" He yells as he falls, landing hard on the ground with a grunt.

Liam laughs at him from the top of the fence.

"Yeah, yeah, you just laugh." He says, groaning as he sits up. Then some workers walk by. "I'm okay, I'm okay. It was just a bug. No worries." He says even though they just walked by.

He looks up and finds the bug now up with Liam, and Liam has it crawling on his hand as he looks at it in fascination.

"Just a.. Just a bug." He says looking up at his son.

Once done with one whole fence wall they're both sitting on top of the fence and high five in celebration. Not knowing Taylor glances at them through his binoculars.

Jim then clears his throat and Liam turns to look at him.

"Son, I.. I just wanted to thank you." Jim then says. "And tell you that I'm sorry you had to grown up so fast."

"It's okay, dad." Liam tells him.

"No. I'm really grateful for what you've done to take care of the family in my absence. But I'm back now. You don't have to worry about all those things anymore." He says and Liam gives him a quick glare before sighing and looking out at the view.

"Dad, I'm never not gonna worry about my family, and I didn't just grow up because of your absence. I got older dad. I'm not a kid anymore." He tells him.

"You're right. I'm really proud of you Liam. You've become a man now." He then adds gesturing to his shirtless upper body and they laugh.

Liam had gotten ripped since he last saw his father. He was broader, bulkier and even taller.

"I'm more worried about Josh though, so please, just be patient with him." Liam tells him. "He took it the worst, he always looked so much up to you, I do to, but he took it bad and has a hard time forgiving. And he had to leave someone behind so he's quite upset about that."

Terra Nova (Oc x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz