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we insert all three golden heads in a random order onto the statue and the door opens. "so much hard work just to make our way around. I can't wait to get out of here." kelly said. her forest green eyes dart towards the people chasing up the stairs. the cage shuts around the two of us, leaving ashley on her own as she goes to escape. I roll over, preventing to be hit by any fire and used one of the guys as my shield with my knife in their eye. "don't worry. I'm sure she'll find her way back to us somehow." she rests her back against the cold bar, untying her hair and fixing it so it's not messy.

"are you okay?" I ask to make sure. the sweat was glistening upon her smooth skin. the bags became visible under her eyelids. "kells, talk to me. what happened after we separated?" she guides one knee to sit up and the other to lie straight. she breathes in and exhales deeply, in her own element. "I made a promise to claire that I'd come back to visit, until I found two friends; one who is a soldier and works for umbrella, even if he didn't realize that they were using him, and one who needs a bit of combat training but she's a kind and caring person. I've been on the run since with no family to crash so I just found an abandoned apartment building and set up base there. It's probably destroyed by now, covered in blood."

I stayed quiet to listen as my ears flutter at the sound of her continuing on. "I felt like an old traveler waiting for a stranger in their car or truck on the roads to come pick me up. although I'll be honest, I was uncertain where my destination was. then I heard weird noises in that old cabin, found the dead cop and a police rookie hid me so the villagers wouldn't hear me." 

I crack a small smile, "I guess I should be thankful I have a sidekick to save me when I'm in trouble." she forms a cheesy grin, "your sidekick? Is that all I am to you?" I chuckle, shrugging my shoulders. "could become something much more if we give it a chance." kelly scoots herself towards me, close enough so our eyes would linger for a while. she glances down at my lips for a split second before looking back up. "after it's all over, what if... us doesn't work?"

"It will. I'm not letting you go again. I promise." I bring my hand up to cup her cheek, and she laughs humorously. "what a romantic place to have a first kiss. unless we'll be interrupted by zombies trying to murder us." despite the smell of sweat, I feel our hearts are racing minute per minute. It was like a huge amount of adrenaline pumping in my veins. our lips are an inch close to touching till a girl's voice echoes in the walls.


I instantly pull away, to stand up and make myself visible to her. "ashley, are you all right?"

"yeah! give me a sec. I'll get you out." 

the two of us clear our throats. we stand, grin at each other uncomfortably. "hey! try this!" she tosses me the key to unlock the entryway. "can you make it down? I can catch ya." she analyzes the height and feet of where she's looking downwards. "yeah, I think so." I nod my head stepping aside to go open.

"ashley!" kelly yells, as we both notice her struggling to jump out of the red robe creature's arms. I toss my "friend" the keys so we can exit out of here and chase after them.

"leon. changed your mind yet?"


"assuming you haven't, I've got a tip for you. seems like something big is about to go down in the throne room. babysitting's tough, huh?"

I scoff, "hey! ada? ada! just fucking perfect."


"not to be a drama queen but I think I'm actually going to throw up. looks like ramón is late on calling pest control." we jog over the now dead, gruesome insects that were flying everywhere like a wasp infestation has taken over but we escaped it all. 

"oh mister kennedy. not much of a knight, are you? your princess individual. I must say, she gave us a considerable amount of trouble! maybe your queen can help us when you arrive.."

I cut the chain so the bridge can come down and we can enter another large section of the castle. "dear lord help us." kelly gazes upon more of the blind metalheads breaking out of their chains from the wall and peasants coming to fight us. she throws one or two grenades for them to explode, while we shoot of the last of the wolverine looking guardians. we follow the horrific screaming through the double doors, where she's being held captive under ramón's forced order.

"leon! kelly! stop! don't come any closer!" the zealot jumps on top of me to hold her and I hostage. 

"please, do continue. do not resist, my dear. It serves only to make your suffering all the worse. this is farewell, mister kennedy."

I watch as the black liquid forcefully goes down ashley's throat. the pain cracks through, and we're thrown down the hole.


we go down together || leon s. kennedy ☆Where stories live. Discover now