Welcome to Terra Nova

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Just then his mother also reaches them. And he helps her take the pack off and to the ground. His father then comes stumbling through in a hurry and falls on the ground in front of them, gasping.

"He's going into hyper-oxic shock. CO2 infuser! Now!" You shout and run to the man that just came through the portal.

When you run to him a soldier sees that the man has a gun in hand.

"Gun!" The soldier yells and the man points his gun at you who was running toward him. You raise your hands with wide eyes.

"Dad!" Liam then shouts, trying to stop him, but gets grabbed by a soldier.

"Get away from my family!" The man, Liams father shouts, you take a step back as soldiers come up beside you and points their guns at him.

"Put it down!" A soldier yells.

He does and puts his hands up.

"Check their packs for more weapons." Guzman orders.

A soldier approaches the pack with a knife and the family exclaims.


You watch as the family surrounding the pack in protection, and immediately get an idea of what's happening.

"Hold your fire!" You yell loudly and hold your hands out to make the soldiers understand.

You watch with wide eyes at the little girl emerging from the pack and into her mother's arms. You make eye contact with Liam who had his worried eyes already on you as he held a protective arm out to cover his family. His father right beside him.

"It's okay! Everybody back off!" You shout and look at Guzman beside you with wide eyes, both glancing back at the child. The family eyeing you specifically now.

The soldiers lowers their weapons at the lieutenant's orders and you sigh in relief.

"Call it in to the Commander." You tell him and he nods.

You make the soldiers back up a bit and turn yourself back to the family and they look at you. Taking a step closer you bend down to the little girls level in her mother's arms.

"Hello." You smile friendly to her. She looks between you and her mother. "My name is Y/n, can you tell me your name?" You ask the girl.

"Zoe." She says hesitantly but also bravely.

"Zoe. That's a beautiful name. Can I look at you? I'm a doctor and you came in with someone else at the same time, that's never happened before, so I just want to make sure you're okay." You tell her glancing at her parents.

The girl looks at her mother who nods at her. She lets go of her child and Zoe walks over to you. Picking up your stethoscope again you pull it up to check on her. Finding everything to be fine you gesture for her to go back to her mother.

"Thank you. You're very brave." You praise her. She smiles a little, making you smile brighter.

You then look at her parents.

"Names?" You ask them.

"My name is Jim Shannon. This is my wife Elisabeth and our children. Liam, Josh, Maddy and Zoe." He says pointing at them as he introduces.

"Dr. Elisabeth Shannon?" You say and she nods. "A pleasure to meet you. All of you." You say and nod to the other two kids too. Maddy gives you a small smile and Josh nods to you.

You nod and stand up, looking at Zoe again, before addressing the whole family.

"Welcome to Terra Nova."

Terra Nova (Oc x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant