"Chaai. but Tam also said you didn't have to overwork ."

   "I know. But I need to finish the script it needs to be submitted ."


    "Can I tell you something James?" His father smiled at him distracting him from his work.

    James looked up away from the laptop , "what?"

     "Ever since you came back , I noticed you look at the Moon and the stars more often ."

     "You've seen that too uncle ," Yim 's voice became a little too cheeky for James "it's almost as if he misses the island  or maybe something else. Right James?"

   James cursed at his friend quietly. Yim was the only person he had confided that Net was the person he wss trapped on the island with. If it wasn't for the fact his best friend had taken care of his father during his absence James would have hit him.

James focused on his dad instead , "I always star gazed . I don't see why it seems so surprising to you know."

"I know . You've always been a fan of the stars. But I couldn't help being curious. Ever since you returned you seem to do it more often ," Gun looked at his son knowing full aware he was in love with someone. He wouldn't pressure James to tell him who it was , "come. I came to call you for dinner."

    'ill be there."

Immediately his father left the room , James slapped Yims shoulder , "why ate you always trying to being up Net."

   "I wish I had been with him instead of you ," Yim replied instead , "you were with Net Sirahop for a week on an island ."

  "You make it seem it was a good thing. We were on a deserted island."

  "You two were alone on the island. You must have at one point seen net without his shirt. Ate you saying he isn't hot?" Yim asked with a skeptical brow raised .

James immediately thought of the time he was trying to bathe only to find Net stripping and the actor had been in nothing but tight boxers. He recalled every inch of Net's hot and well bulit body.

The assistant screen writer shook his head not wanting to delve into suxy thoughts , "I'm going to help Dad set the table. If you want to remain in here that's up to you."

"Fine them I'm going to watch this video of net all to myself." Yim knew that was going to get his friends attention. He knew when James liked a guy and ever since he was found he knew his friend had a crush on Net or probably even more .

   At that James froze in his spot , he become weaker when he heard Net's voice from the device and it caused his heart to tighten - he had missed the actor.

James watched the interview on Yim's phone on it was Net , it was a collection of sorts and watching them reminded  James of how different he and his ' stepbrother' , if that's even how he could refer Net , were. They both belonged to two different worlds and it was just best to forget what happened on the island and move on from these feelings that were bubbling.

            Besides Net was a well known womaniser clearly straight (🙈 not really )

               "Why are you showing me thus clip. I've work to finish and you." James snapped .

Yim looked unbothered , "just pay attention. He talks about you ."

           "What?" James attention went to the phone

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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