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Love and war

Hello, welcome to Love and War!
This will be set after cannon, I have no idea on what this even is so let’s figure it out together

Now Naruto won’t have a sacred gear, Kurama, or be a devil. Naruto will be like a certain arrogant King although I don’t know if he should have more beyond that

It has been a year since the war against the Khaos brigade ended and everything had returned to normal, is what should have happened

But nooooo instead of everyone being friends, somehow the girls are all fighting and shouting over who should be with who, who is best with who, who is better than who, who deserves who and other bullshit like that( what’s the reference:3?)

Can these women not realise he loves them all?!Was it so HARD to understand that he couldn’t help but love them all?! He felt he could rip his hair off from how it frustrated him, and that wasn’t the worst part!

He could feel his eyes sting and his heart ache and twist as he thought about her. That lousy, no good, cheating bitch! Oh how he hated her right now, he hated her but at the same time loved her and what she did . . . .  really hurt. It hurt because she betrayed him for that  good for nothing pervert!

And it’s also why he hated her! She went on and on about how ’ They’re going to get married!’ and how ’ They’ll be together as a family!’  and many more proclamations of her ’undying love’ and then has the  attitude  to go make out with that dick for brains who suddenly has the a set of balls to look so smug like that ’Holier than thou’ duck butt Sasuke!

And Sasuke was even worse than this guy!

How he wished he could fuck that motherfucker up oh so dearly and never have to hear or see him again. But the girl’s won’t let him, even if the ass deserves it, probably because he would leave him as less than a puddle of blood and maybe ash. I mean seriously does she not see his behaviour! What is so interesting about being a pervert every day doing nothing but peeking at women’s boobs and saying shit like ’Ill fuck every girl!’ or ’ all boobs will be mine!“ and let’s not forget  the fact that he and his pervy buddies also steal women’s underwear!

Seriously the guy is worse than the villain’s for Christ’s sake! At least they had standards, but oh no, not Pervy, apparently Pervy can just do whatever the fuck he wants and get whatever he asks for!

He really needed some stress relief
„ What’s got you so pent up, nya~“ And speak of the devil-cat... cat devil?


„ Oh beautiful and enchanting goddess, you couldn’t know of my plight! The wounds on my heart are great and heavy and I seek for aliments many. And yet none work, so I ask you to help me heal my broken heart!“ He spoke dramatically with a hint of a smile as he made grand movements with his arms before he let himself fall into the blackette’s lap with his head firmly placed between her thighs.

Melodious giggles reached his ears as the beautiful bombshell of a woman tried to conceal them behind her delicate hand and it made him smile in relief at being able to tell his pain to someone.

Slowly she stopped her joyous melody and replied in a tone equal to his“ Oh my greates warrior, I hear your pleas! I shall try every treatment I know to heal thy heart of gold. Mayhaps your cure be one of love? Do you desire your goddess’ body to use and ravish~?“ She asked sultrily as she caressed his hair in her lap and he tried to distract her from his every growing boner, keyword tried.

„ Oho? Does my champion seek to bed his godess and make passionate love?“ Her lips quirked into a catty, lustful smile“ Your expression speaks of lust, your body even more so. I cannot help but notice how much you’re  eyes observe my body, is your true desire to spend many nights with me in bed as we make hot and passionate love?~“ She whispered the last part into his ear as he tried to supress his shiver and boner with great failure before he spoke up

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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