A Frozen Moment✍︎☠︎︎

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This Chapter will contain some sexist language and cursing
Also main character illness and death.

A familiar blonde stood in the doorway to a small antique shop, where a basket of old Polaroid images sat on the counter top by the register, walking towards the small basket of images he started to look through the photos wondering if he might find one of him, looking deeper in the Polaroid images he found one, a couple that looked almost too happy to be so close, they had on masks, the girl in the picture looking at the boy as though she were in a dream, while searching the file cabinet of his mind he closed his eyes, trying his best to see if he could find anything, that was when he did, a drawer deep in the confines of his mind, memories began to file out, filling his mind with funny images, and ones where he wasn't particularly nice.



Adrien walked through the door of his school, they'd just initiated a new law where girls could attend and receive upper level education, and the school would have a whole new hoard of female students, lower class female students as well, which all the boys knew would not sit well with the upper class teachers who were now forced to teach those who weren't as wealthy, though Adrien couldn't say he was overly thrilled at the idea of slum rats joining his school. Looking around he saw some of his friends already flirting with some of the new girls, obviously trying to get a headstart on courting a future wife, though Adrien wasn't interested, his parents would set up a marriage for him when they thought he was ready, and he didn't mind that outcome as long as the woman he ended up with wasn't completely unreasonable.

Walking to his new classroom he rolled his eyes as he saw a female teacher at the head of the class, and a fairly young one at that. "Great, another one of those new age women's rights teachers..." He grumbled softly, not wanting to be heard by the teacher who was happily setting up for her first assignment. Girls and boys alike came flooding into the classroom, all the girls sitting on one side while the boys were on the other, one girl managed to snag Adriens attention, Navy hair, possibly the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen, and skin like his mother's prized porcelain dolls.
His thoughts were interrupted with the teacher's chipper voice. "Now students! Since we have a new wave of young ladies joining us, I have a little get to know you experiment to try, you'll write letters to each other anonymously after picking names from a hat, boys, you'll have all the girls names, and girls you'll receive their letters hopefully tomorrow or the next day, write down a nickname you'd like to go by in the letter then place it in the hat." The teacher spoke, her name written on the board behind her as Ms.Bustier, a name Adrien would either grow to appreciate, or loathe.

Adrien watched as the ladies giggled, all writing down nicknames on small pieces of paper, while the boys waited for the hat to be passed around the room, he watched the girls as he picked out his name, who were mostly staring at him, all except the girl he wanted the attention of and the girl next to her, who seemed to be her friend, the two girls smiling and giggling together, in was infuriating, how could they just not notice all the guys sitting right across from them, he looked around his own group to see most of the guys beginning on their letters, he knew this was ridiculous, but he unfolded his slip of paper and read the name to himself and 'Ladybug' was written on the small piece of paper. He smirked at the added mystery to the project, appreciating not having to fully properly introduce himself, since the letters were anonymous in the sense of who they were from. Smirking to himself he began writing, not disclosing who he was, wanting to keep himself a mystery until the very end of this little experiment.

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