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♪ Yeh Sham Mastani

"एक रूठी हुई तक़दीर जैसे कोई
ख़ामोश ऐसे है तू तस्वीर जैसे कोई
तेरी नज़र बनके ज़ुबाँ, लेकिन तेरे पैग़ाम दिए जाए..."

Anika's Pov

Sitting on my terrace with a cup of tea, earphones plugged on my ears and looking over at sunset while the cold breeze blows my hair as if they are trying to convince me. It was my favourite thing to do. Watching the birds going back to their home. after the sunset, the sky slowly started turning pink from orange-red colour...then to purple and finally... it's getting dark.
Standing up I picked the empty cup of tea and walked downstairs.

Life as an introvert is boring, but peaceful. I hated myself but at the same time I like the person I have become. Yes, I'm paradoxical.

I got back into my room, and started arranging my backpack and a suitcase, putting necessary things into them. I am starting a new chapter of my life from tomorrow. I'm going to Delhi for my college and further studies, alone. For the first time in my life I'm travelling alone without any family members beside me. I'm scared but I hope I'll be safe. I'll be living in a girls hostel...I hope I can get along otherwise I'll get bullied there, too.

Time skip, 9:20 pm

Currently, my cousins are sitting around me. The older ones are giving me advice while the younger ones are crying because I'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm very bad at expressing myself so I just ruffled the hair of my sisters who were bawling their eyes out crying a lot for me as if she won't be taking over my room after I leave. Annoying brats. But I love them so much too, it will be so boring without them. I will miss them terribly.

After a while, I was left alone in my room to get to sleep. But how can I sleep when my whole life will change from tomorrow. I can't sleep at all. I have always been living around these four walls, but from tomorrow I'll step outside into the real world, leaving my comfort zone. I'll miss my parents, my annoying elder brother and my cousins, my uncles and aunties, my dadi... everyone. How weird a family is, sometimes they are the only one who hurt you the most but they are your comfort too. No matter how many grudges and complaints you have for them at the end of the day they are only one who truly cares for you and loves you...when you all sit between your family, their laughter and happiness makes you forget everything else. But Only if I could express it...I love them so much.

Time Skip to the next day

My Mom is currently holding me and bawling her eyes out, and my sister are clingling onto me...everyone has surrounded me at the entrance, But I'm just awkward standing there not having any idea about what to do or say. I'm ready to leave, I have flight to Delhi so I took blessings of my elders by touching their feets and hugged my little cousins waving them bye finally. And My uncle dropped me to the airport.

After a while I was finally on a flight for the first time. After almost 2 hours, the flight landed on Delhi airport. I observed my surroundings after coming out of the airport, Everybody was in a rush. I wanted to book a cab to reach the hostel but somehow I was having trouble in doing so I called my father asking for advice...he suggested to get on a bus. I did as he said so I got on a bus and took a seat in the corner and plugged my earphones listening to music avoiding the chaos of the world.


To be continued...

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