Avery's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal as Omar's words sent a wave of desire through her body. His confident and dominant demeanor had always intrigued her, but now she realized just how deeply it resonated with her own need for surrender.

"I... I didn't realize you were testing me," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm glad you did. It awakened a part of me I didn't even know existed."

Omar leaned in closer, his voice low and filled with a hunger that mirrored her own. "I could sense it, Avery. The way you responded, the way your body surrendered to mine. All the signs were there."

A shiver ran down Avery's spine at his words, her mind filled with vivid memories of that passionate night in the Caribbean. The way Omar had taken control, pushing her boundaries and igniting a fire within her that burned brighter than ever before.

"You opened me up to a side of myself I never knew existed," she confessed, her eyes locked with his. "I had no idea that I craved that level of dominance and surrender, but now that I do, I need it."

Omar's gaze intensified, his dark eyes smoldering with desire as he shifted in his seat, opening his legs to accommodate for his hardening length. "I'm honored to have been the one to show you that world, Avery," he murmured, his voice thick with admiration. "And I promise, I'll continue to fulfil your deepest desires."

A rush of heat surged through Avery's body as his words washed over her. The connection between them was undeniable, a magnetic force that drew them together. She knew that with Omar, she could truly be herself, fully embrace her need for surrender, and experience a level of pleasure she had never imagined possible.

"What else have you noticed about me?" Avery smirked as she sat back in her chair, using her straw to slowly stir her drink.

"I can show you better than I can tell you." Omar's lips curled into a wicked smile as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on Avery's. The air between them crackled with anticipation, the unspoken promise of exploration and fulfillment hanging in the air. Without another word, he reached across the table, his hand sliding up Avery's arm, sending a shiver through her body.

"After lunch I'm going to take you shopping," Omar explained. "I want you to pick out anything and everything you want... later on tonight we can talk about all the things I've noticed about your perfect little body."

As much as Omar craved her, he hadn't asked Avery to make the trip to Las Vegas purely for sex. He wanted to explore every aspect of their connection and fulfill all of Avery's desires, both inside and outside of the bedroom. He wanted to delve deeper into her psyche, to understand her on a level that went beyond physical pleasure.

Avery's eyes widened in surprise at Omar's unexpected proposition. Shopping was not something she had anticipated, but the thought of indulging in her every desire excited her. It was a gesture that went beyond the superficial, a way for Omar to show his commitment to their exploration and to provide her with the means to embrace her newfound desires.

Her mind raced with possibilities as she imagined all the things she could choose, all the ways in which she could express herself through her clothing and accessories. The idea of Omar's watchful gaze as she tried on each piece, his approval and appreciation, sent a thrill through her.

"I would love that," she replied, her voice filled with anticipation.

As the waiter returned to their table to take their orders for lunch, Avery ordered a salmon fillet accompanied by a side salad, while Omar ordered something a little heavier, keeping to his diet in preparation for his next fight.

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they waited for their food to arrive, discussing their plans for the day and sharing stories from their past. Avery couldn't help but be captivated by Omar's presence, his confidence and charisma drawing her in like a moth to a flame.

The Deepest Desire • A Odell Beckham Jr Erotic NovelWhere stories live. Discover now