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Early morning I found myself questioning what the fuck I was doing with my life as I stood behind my brother as he puked his guts out.

I sighed, which was followed by a knock on the bathroom door.

I could feel my heart rate increase as I could hear my Grandma's voice from outside.

I kicked Javon hard on the leg in a desperate attempt to get him to quiet down."Fucking idiot,"

"Everything alright in there?" Grandma's concerned voice echoed through the door.

"Yes, Grandma," I tried to sound as composed as possible, and seemed to be satisfied with my reply I could hear my nana walking away.

I sighed again, passing Javon the cup of water in my hand. "Here drink this,"

Javon took the water and chugged it down.

"Thanks, now get out," he grumbled between sips.

I started to lift my foot to hit him, but instesd I get splashed with remaining cold water. "Fuck!" I screamed, and Javon chuckles. "Kick me again and see if you get to wake up good tomorrow," I glare at him, as he smirks.

Rolling my eyes at him I left the bathroom, and made my way to the kitchen, where Grandma stood fixing the table. "Morning grandma,"

"Good morning child, what's going on early this mawning?" She asked, her voice getting quite stern, and I just shrugged, telling her everything as he didn't even say thank you.

Fucking ungrateful bitch.

"Javon went to a party and got wasted and high. He's been puking his guts for nearly an hour now,"

Grandma just shook her head, seeming disappointed as she sighed. "That boy is just like your mother,"

"Rebelling was one of the main reason why she was sent to that home in the first place, all because of a bad influence," I immediately knew who that bad influence was, without a name being mentioned as my grandma's face turned to pure anger.

"I'll make him some of my favorite tea, it should help with his hangover," I shrug, and sits down as my grandma places eggs, beans and tortilla on her plates. "Thanks,"

Javon came downstairs just as nana finished setting his plate.
"Morning nana," he says, placing a kiss on the side of our grandma's head.

"Morning child, you look terrible," Javon sent me a look and I just shrug, eating my egg. "Snitch," he mutters sitting down, and biting into his tortilla.

Rolling my eyes, I continued to eat breakfast, which consisted of Javon sending daggers my way and grandma  trying to make conversation with us. After breakfast, I washed up my dish and then made my way to my room, where I grab my phone from off the table where it had been charging from since last night.

I immediately saw a message from Cameron, which made me smile.

I hope you got home safe
12:35 am

I hope to see you at school Deja.
12:36 am

I finally texted him back.

Hey morning Cam, I reached home safe, fell asleep immediately after, I hope to see you at school as well.
10:35 am

Immediately, I got a message back from him, and smiled to myself as I  read his immediate response.

Morning, I currently feel like shit, but I'm glad you reached home safe Deja.

Dang, how much did you drink last night?
10:36 am

I couldn't quite grasp why my heart was racing just from texting him.

Like a lot, I wish you had stayed tho, fuck Deja I missed you so much. I have tons of shit to catch you up on.
I really miss you.

I could feel my heart tightening, as I read his message.

I really missed him too.

I missed you too Cam.

You free today?

An my heart kept racing.

Fuck calm down Deja. My heart raced as I read that question, and I couldn't figure out why I felt so nervous.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard, struggling to type the simple word "yes."

And it took me a while to gather the courage to press those three letters.


He immediately responded, and my heart skipped a beat.

Would you like to go get ice cream with me and a few of my friends in a while?

With him and a few friends, that does not sound bad.

Sure, send me the details and I'll meet you all there.

Okay, see you soon.

With that I placed my phone down, already hearing a notification.

It was probably him sending the address.

And a smile slowly spread across my face.

Just then, a knock interrupted me, and I turned to see nana at the door, eyebrow raised. "What's got you smiling?" Nana asked, walking in with a blanket.

"Just a friend invited me for ice cream with some friends," I said casually. I noticed her eyebrows raise and a smile spread across her face. "Is it a boy or a girl?" she inquired with curiosity.

I chuckled, walking over to my closet where I pulled on my green sweater. "It's a boy, and you know him," I explained, watching her expression shift with curiosity.

"Who?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Cameron," I answered, a smile instantly brightening her face as she let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, Camy boy," she murmured affectionately, memories of him flooding back.

I nodded in agreement, my excitement building as I grabbed my purse and knelt down to tie my shoelaces.

Rising back up, I paused to give grandma a gentle peck on the cheek.
"Tell Cameron I said hi,"

Nodding in acknowledgment, I made my way to where Javon was lounging in the living room, engrossed in his phone. "Texting lover boy?" I teased, earning a playful pillow thrown my way. We shared a laugh before I bid him farewell. "See you later," I called out as I headed towards the door.

"Have fun, idiot," he retorted with a grin.

Smiling at his banter, I stepped out of the house and approached the vehicle.

Pulling out my phone, I checked the location he sent and started the engine, driving in its direction.

A sense of excitement bubbled within me, evident in the constant smile adorning my face throughout the entire ride.


See you next chapter 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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