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Third POV

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Third POV

"Hey now, you're joking right?" Yohei asked a very logical question while he halted his mopping.

It had started as a normal day, just a normal day. Yohei, Naokira, and Shiki were cleaning the bar up to get ready for business and Ryu was...well, who knew where he was. The Cat's Whiskers had just been defeated by Akanyatsura the night before, and both Shiki and Yohei had gotten trapped reactions, so they needed some time alone. Ryu, well, he respected their wishes and just decided to go out on a walk all by his lonesome. However, even though the silver haired boy had gone out by himself, he didn't return home alone.

Right now, Shiki and Naokira were gathered around Ryu, who was holding something in his hands. And the thing was, this wasn't the first time this had happened either. Not even close, Yohei had basically lost count at this point for how many times it had happened.

"Again, huh?" The glasses wearing man hummed with a hand on his chin.

"S-So, cute," Shiki's eyes just sparkled at the sight Ryu was beholding to both him and Naokira.

And that was in the form of a tiny black and white kitten that was looking back up at them both with these big yellow eyes. He was really little too, practically fitting into one of Ryu's hands if he so wanted to hold it that way. It just looked so tiny being cradled in his hands.

"Right!? I found him while on my walk!" The silver haired eccentric rapper beamed proudly as he sort of rocked back and forth a little bit as the little kitten mewed from his hands.

There was only one person who didn't seem to be as impressed as everyone else. In fact, he had halted his mopping, holding the cleaning utensil off to the side with his other hand on his hip, a slightly annoyed glare on his face. Yohei should've been used to this by now, he really should've been. But at the same time, he always reacted the same way, that front that he was so annoyed was always present on his face even though he had a very huge soft spot for animals. Especially cats and kittens.

"There, there," Shiki cooed to the little kitten as it continued letting out its cute little meows.

"You're sure looking healthy," Naokira did the same as he began petting the little guy on the head with his finger.

Yohei twitched a little bit, because he could already see where this was going. There was going to be another resident of the bar, not of the human kind, of course. Not that there were many humans that came here in the first place other than the occasional customer that wanted a drink by themselves.

Well, while the dark navy haired man sort of stayed where he was with his mop, Shiki noticed something as he got a closer look at the little kitten that had begun licking Ryu's finger as he stayed sitting in the eccentric rapper's hands.

"There's no collar, I wonder if it's a stray," the shy boy inquired, thinking that was more than likely the case since that always seemed to be the case when it came to Ryu bringing home cats.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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