Card 1: I'm a KAMEN Rider?

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Noa was soon released from the infirmary and was called to the principal's office. As he walked up the stairs Noa couldn't help but wonder what was happening today. He got to the door and knocked and heard a voice telling him to come in. Noa walked inside and was greeted by Zay the principal of Hiden academy

"Noa good to see you here, please have a seat." Zay politely told Noa

"Good day Ms.Maia am I in trouble?" Noa asked

"Oh no that is not why I called you here...I need to inform you of something...You have been decided to be a Kamen Rider."

"A...what?" Noa was majorly confused. "What's a Kamen Rider?"

"Well to put it simply they are Heroes who fight for light and justice and protect the smiles of humans."

" really that is a cliche.

She looked at the Legend driver for a moment. "This School is truly designed to Honor a fallen friend who was a Kamen Rider Legend. He fell in battle with the Hundred, an organization set on taking over the AR Worlds."

"Okay hold do know how insane all of this sounds right?"

"Actually it isn't. Really, heroes are born everyday, some don't even need a Driver to transform. Those who become Kamen Riders are special." She takes a box out of her top drawer. "In this box is my old Driver, the Zero-One Driver. I was chosen to become Kamen Rider Zero-One back in my world."

Noa blinked. "I feel like I'm hallucinating or having a lucid dream like this is all sounding completely delusional."

"Well it's not. Riders have existed since the Beginning of time. They all have different abilities but fought for one goal, safety of humanity." The principal looked at the student. Then all of a sudden, a clock chimes as a new threat emerges from a warp in space time.

"Kamen Rider Zamozan." One of the staff members noticed as the school was targeted.

"Where is the Legendriver?" The Amazon themed Rider demands. "The Hundred needs it!"

Zay puts on the Zero-One Driver and takes out a data card shaped object. "Everybody Jump!" The belt announced the card's ability.

"We'll finish this discussion later."

Noa was sitting frozen in place. "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked himself as he just stared before an attack nearly hit him just grazing by him. "Holy jesus what the hell?!"

Tiny metallic grasshoppers gathered around Zay's body as her suit formed. A student was grabbed and a card was injected into his body.

"Join me the new soldier of the Hundred, a Malgam. The power of the Chemies combined into a human with greed in their heart." The Evil Rider explained.

"Unicorn!" The monster exclaimed as it formed. The power of a Fantasy Chemy combined with a human.

Zay stood there for a moment. Her eyes widened with fear. "Not again." She struggled with her past as Zero-One. She lost her friends to a beast similar to that.

"Ms.Maia! Keep it together, you have to save him!" Noa shouted as he looked at her

"Zay!" As Mister De-case looked at his employer. "Fight for the future!"

Kamen Rider Zamozan looked at Noa. "This isn't her fight." He throws a box at Noa. "Take up arms or let your World burn!"

Noa opened the box to check its contents. "He's just standing there...Are all villains like this?"

"No, some use time as a method." De-case explain. "Others like Kamen Rider Thousander corrupted their foe with their."

The box contains the Dreadriver and a stack of six cards. Noa looked at them for a bit. While the Unicorn Malgam attacks the Frozen Kamen Rider Zero-One Metal Cluster Hopper.

De-case takes the belt and puts it on Noa's waist. "Slash the card across the belt, put that card into the open slot and yell HENSHIN!"

Noa took one of the cards and put the card into the open slot. "HENSHIN!"

"Steamliner!" The belt announced creepily. As a black furnace envelope Noa. The Black train suit appeared as charcoaled skin. "Dread Type Zero!"

Noa rushed at the Unicorn Malgam and punched its eye. The Malgam roared as it was punched. The Rider and Malgam fight across the school. Noa was once in his life enjoying himself. "I'm going to save you from yourself." Then a shock from the Dreadriver hits him.

"Full Charge!" The driver announced that a second Chemy Card appeared in Noa's holder.

"Alright." It was a level three Chemy. It was a replica of the current Chemy being used to fight him.

He scans the card and then places it into the Khonsu Stiller. "Drain." His foot lights up with pitch black. "Dread Breaking!" He jumps to the sky and extends his right foot out. Dread concentrates lavas from Hecate Blast, before transferring the lava to the leg manifesting spikes on it, and delivers a roundhouse kick that launches the enemy away.

The Chemy, Unicorn, was freed from the Malgam. It runs away scared of Noa and this world. "Drown in the abyss you bastard two options you can either rise from the deep or drown in it!"

The student who was freed from being the monster looked at Noa. "Who are you?" The green-haired male looked scared.

"It's not should go."

The student walks away from the Rider. He looked at the trail the Chemy had left. The Hundred had made their move.

The battle against the Unicorn Malgam was intense, and Noa found himself thrust into a world of heroes, monsters, and mysterious powers. As the defeated Chemy fled, the aftermath of the confrontation left Noa with a mix of emotions and questions.

Zay, still in her transformed state as Kamen Rider Zero-One Metal Cluster Hopper, approached Noa. "Well done, Noa. You've just had your first taste of being a Kamen Rider."

Noa, still processing the situation, looked at the Dreadriver and the cards in his possession. "This is too much to take in. What am I supposed to do now?"

Zay reverted to her human form, the suit dissipating into the small metallic grasshoppers. "You'll need to learn to harness the power of the Dreadriver and the Chemy Cards. Kamen Riders are defenders of humanity, and you've been chosen to carry that responsibility."

Noa sighed, realizing that he couldn't simply ignore the newfound reality. "Fine, I'll play along. But why me? What makes me special?"

Zay smiled, "The Legendriver chose you. It sensed something within you-potential, courage, and a desire to protect. The world needs Kamen Riders, and you've been given this opportunity."

As they continued their conversation, Zay explained the basics of being a Kamen Rider, the different abilities Noa could access with the Chemy Cards, and the ongoing battle against the Hundred. Noa, although reluctant at first, started to feel a sense of duty and determination.

Meanwhile, the threat of the Hundred lingered. The Unicorn Chemy had fled with the student following it, but the evil forces were still active. Zay received a message from her communicator. "More Hundred members will be appearing. Noa, are you ready for the next challenge?"

Noa looked at the Dreadriver and the Chemy Cards, a newfound resolve in his eyes. "Let's do this. I won't let my world fall into chaos."

Zay nodded, putting on her Zero-One Driver once again. "Good. We're counting on you, Kamen Rider Dread."

Noa took a deep breath, slashed another Chemy Card across the belt, and declared, "HENSHIN!" The transformation sequence began, and with each passing moment, Noa embraced his new role as a Kamen Rider, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead and protect humanity from the threat of the Hundred.

Collab Saga 1:Kamen Rider Dread Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin