Fourth Wing: Chapter 9 - The Sparring

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Dain Aetos

Oh, fuck no.

The wingleader stepped forward and my body kicked into full blown panic mode. There was no way Emetterio would allow this right? He couldn't. Anyone with eyes would see she was half the fucking size of him.

"You are all in for a treat," Professor Emetterio chimed, clapping his hand in excitement. "Xaden's one of the best fighters we have. Watch and learn."

Treat, my ass.

I already knew how he fought. Trust me, I watched plenty last year. Riorson and his rebellion group were the best fighters at Basgiath. Everyone in this room knew how this was going to end. He was her wingleader, which meant nothing for her protection. He could kill her and make it look like it all just happened in the heat of the fight. I glanced over at Violet, who looked like she was going to be sick. Fuck, I was going to be sick.

"A little out of her league, don't you think?" I said from the sidelines, trying to sound calm and failing horribly. I also meant every fucking word to Riorson. She was way out of his league. I've seen the way he looks at her. If those eyes weren't out for revenge, it only meant one other thing. How fucking dare he.

"Relax, Aetos." Riorson looked over at me and stared. I stared back at him. My jaw clenched and my hands tightened into fists as the panic faded and anger started to overcome me. "She'll be in one piece when I'm finished teaching her."

No way in fucking hell. I had to talk some sense into Emetterio. "I hardly think it's fair -"

"No one asked you to think, squad leader." Riorson cut me off and my mouth closed shut. Always pulling rank for convenience. He moved to the side discarding the endless cache of weapons he kept stored on his body. I glanced at the professor and he shugged from across the mat eyeing the weapons Riorson took off.

Violet, no.

"Let's go," Riorson stretched out his hand at Violet and curled his fingers, tempting her to come to him. Was he fucking smiling? I crossed my arm, flexing my muscles as I focused on Violet. She takes her fighting stance and waits for him to make his first move. It was a smart move for now, but it was just stalling.

Eventually, she reached for her dagger and flung it toward Riorson who easily caught the blade like it was any mundane thing. Fuck. Violet's daggers were her strength since her speed was good, but her technique needed more training. I watched as her mind strategized. She knows that she has to be faster. Being small was her advantage against him here. She closed the gap between them using the swipe-and-kick combo I saw her training with Rhiannon a few times.

Just when I thought she could land something on him, he caught her leg mid air and slammed her down on her back. My heart slammed against my chest with her. He was going to kill her.

In the split second, I uncrossed my arms and took a step forward. I had to stop this. Then I saw Riorson drop Violet's dragger and kick it off the mat towards me. I steadied myself and locked eyes with Emetterio who shook his head at me.

You know the rules. I heard his voice ring in my head.

I did, but right now, I wished I didn't. I watched as Violet lunged with a second blade that he caught easily like he was picking berries from a bush. He slid the blade towards me. I reached over and grabbed the two blades. He wasn't trying to kill her, not yet. He was fucking toying with her. Fucking son of a bitch was enjoying every moment of it.

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