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    "Three coaches!" Yvette exclaimed, looking at her siblings. "That's so cool!" She flips through her schedule and compares it to the others.

    Max tilts his head back. "Sis, what are you doing?" He asks Yvette as she still looks at their schedules.

    "I think she's checking if we have classes together." Carter guesses and the others agree. "Uh, do you guys want to, uh, go take a seat somewhere?"

    Leslie nodded her head. "We can take a seat in the freshman area? I saw it while I looked around earlier." Sol agreed and grabbed her luggages as the others followed suit. Leslie guides them through the halls into the southwest corridor, with the freshman lounge area in the back.

    The lounge area had a sign that read 'Freshman' in gold lettering above the archway. The area wasn't too big, nor was it too small. It had a fireplace in the center, long comfortable looking couches all around, smaller armchairs, rugs on the stone floor, wall lamps, and a particularly large bookshelf that took up the whole wall in the back.

    A few students were scattered here and there, chattering amongst themselves. Leslie led the group to an open spot near the back of the room. Carter, Sol, and Yvette sat on a couch whilst Leslie and Max sat on armchairs.

    "Find any similar classes?" Max asks Yvette, as she stopped looking at the schedules.

    She huffed. "Barely any! We all share hockey, but that's only because it's at the end of the day. We also share History for first period and that's it! No more! Can you believe that!?" She complained.

    "Let me see the schedules." Sol grabbed the papers from her sister. "I share history, math, English, science, and hockey with Max. Only history and hockey with Yvette. Oh, dang."

    Leslie put in her own schedule. "Can you check mine?"

    "Mine too!" Carter grabs out his own and passes it to Sol. Sol grabs them and compares.

    Her face was unreadable as she looked. "Okay, some of us have classes together. We all share history and hockey." She commented. "Except Leslie, she doesn't have hockey on her schedule."

    Leslie smiles. "That's good."

    "What other classes?" Max leans closer.

    "Leslie shares history and English with Max and just add fencing with me." Sol comments as she reads. "History, math, science, and art she shares with Yvette."

    Yvette smiles and leans in closer to see for herself. "Yay! I'll have a friend in most of my classes!"

    Sol continues. "Carter shares all his classes with Max, 'cept he has study hall when Max has French. Other than that, identical. Well, guess that's our classes." She hands back the schedules.

    Max looks at the luggage on the floor. "Wanna find our dorms?"

⋆ ★

    They all find their dorms and drop off their luggage. Leslie shares a dorm with some girl named Amber Hutcherson, while Sol and Yvette share one together. Max and Carter also share one, after some negotiations with the original roommate.

    They five them meet back up at the entrance hall, to further explore the school together before the welcoming assembly tomorrow morning. Max and Carter got to the entrance first.

    "Ha! I beat them here!" Max grinned. He was a bit competitive with his sisters. "They lost."

    Carter gave a small smile. "The dorms aren't that far. And the girls one is closer than ours. Hmm, wonder where they're at." Max didn't care where they were at. He only cared that he came before his sisters, making him first place.

𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖉Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora