Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: You Can Wait

Prince Charles is enjoying his freedom outside the castle. Queen Natalie has prohibited Prince Charles from disclosing his royal identity to anyone. Prince Charles has agreed to it. While wandering around, Prince Charles has heard a woman singing beautifully. He is intrigued and wants to find out who she is. However, he is aware that the guards will not let him go unnoticed. So, he decides to sneak away. The woman is busy picking apples when Prince Charles greets her. The woman asks him who he is.

"Hello, I am Charles Brooks. May I know your name?" Prince Charles asked. "Hi, I am Katherine Mills," Katherine introduced herself.

Suddenly, the guards found Prince Charles and scolded him for wandering off alone.

"I am fine and I won't tolerate your tone with me!" Charles replied angrily.

"I apologize, Charles, but your mother is a scary woman!" replied the guard.

"You don't have to worry about my mother. You won't get into any trouble as long as you don't say anything," assured Prince Charles.

Prince Charles introduced Katherine Mills to his guards, saying, "This is Katherine Mills."

The guard introduced himself and his brother to Katherine, saying, "Hello, Miss Mills, it's nice to meet you. I am Steve Miller and this is my brother, Frank." Katherine responded, "It is very nice to meet you too."

While they were talking, Prince Charles noticed Larry Hatching, his father's tax collector, walking towards them. Larry asked Katherine,

"Miss Mills, where is your father?"

Katherine replied, "I do not know. What do you want?" Larry responded, "Your father owes a lot of money to the king.

Katherine responded angrily, "I will pay my dad's taxes as soon as I get the money!"

"The king wants you to pay the money now!" Larry retorted angrily.

"The king can wait to get his money. Miss Mills has agreed to pay her father's taxes!" Prince Charles responded in anger.

"The king is not going to be happy about this!" Larry replied, also angry.

"I do not care. The king can wait until these good people could afford to pay their taxes!"

Prince Charles replied angrily. Larry got angry and he took off.

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