CHAPTER - 3 Proposal and Curiosity

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It has been two weeks since my college has been started and things are getting better day by day. Though I'm still adjusting to the environment I feel good having Re by my side. In the afternoon there was an announcement... "The University's Fresher's Day ". It is a party where the freshers will exhibit their talents and get along with the University culture. Since Re was busy with moving in and part time job, I joined along with my classmate Alice Stones and her friends. Alice is beauty queen of the university... she has a long straight hair, sparkling eyes, with outstanding dressing.... With a single blink she can captivate anyone within seconds. People go head on heals for her.

We all assembled in the hall waiting for the instructions. The principal explained the rules and regulations and we were also introduced to the respective in charge persons. We enrolled for singing competition and I was really excited as singing can make me happier than anything else in the world. The fresher's day is going to be held within a week. The practice was in full swing as we kept practicing all day. I wanted my performance to be perfect. My brother helped in me karaoke and my voice improvement.

Re was the one who sent me the notes which staffs explained in the class as I was busy with the preparations. I really thank her for being so kind. She also kept checking if I'm overdoing or skipping my lunch. My brother was so eager to know more about Re as he finds her cute and adorable.

Though he was silly at times he is like that only to family and his two friends. To others he is just a stern and hard headed Boss. He never takes interest in anyone but he was so curious about Rebecca. I pushed him out of my room and started copying the notes and revised it for hours until sleep took over me.

We were doing our final rehearsals and I found out something was not falling in its place. I sensed something or someone is going out of focus. We decided to take a break and get refreshed. Other members went to canteen while I was just chilling looking out the window.

Suddenly I heard a commotion outside and found Alice came inside. She was fuming and was in the verge of bursting out. Though I was not close to her, I couldn't see her in such a state. I went and sat near her. I slowly asked her,

"What's wrong Alice?? Is something bothering you?? If you're OK with it you can tell me??"

She took a deep breath and told "There is lot of guys who were following me from Day one but he was genuinely talking to me and so I also started to talk with him... You know what he did now??? HE PROPOSED TO ME??? HE? HOW COULD HE SAY THAT?? "

I was literally freaking out how to react to it. I've never been in such a situation. I've been a nerd when I was in school. I barely had friends and always glued myself in books. When she said what happened I was unaware what to do.

"Hey, the team is back. Let's get back to practice." I looked at the door watching other members joining us. "Forget whatever happened and let's rock the stage. Don't you want our debut performance to be the best?" I changed the topic.

She relaxed herself so that others will not be able to see the tension which she thinks would spoil her image in front of others. "Thanks Momo. Let's rock guys" she plastered her face with smile and started the practice as we have only two days for the party.

I went home and still couldn't get over what happened in the training room. Allen was talking with his PA as well as his buddy Justin for some meeting. He saw me fiddling me finger, lost in my own thoughts not realizing that he was standing in front me waving his hands. He told Justin to take care of the arrangement and cut his call. He held me shoulder and started to shake me to bring back to reality.

I flinched and raised me head to find none other than Allen looking at me with concern in his brown shiny eyes and caramel skin adding fine touch to his handsomeness. His strong Arms are still holding my shoulders. I hugged him and he started caressing my hair, helping me relax. I explained him what happened in the practice room today.

At first he was laughing as hell and after sensing that I'm about to kick the soul out of him he explained me that things like these are common and I don't have to take too much stress. He also assured me that one day I'll be able to find someone who I'll be sharing each and every moment of my life with him, holding his hands, going through the ups and downs of life and will have a happily ever after.

I was so relieved to hear these words. I had a dream of how my future life would be like and how I and my better half would be going around with hand in hand. We cook together, Go on a tour, and have each other's side when we grow old and enjoy and experience true love until the end. I went into washroom and let warm water flow and relaxed my body, I changed into a comfy pajamas dried my hair and went to bed waiting to unfold the mysteries that life has in its store.

The next day I was in my class pouring out everything what happened in the past. "I feel really bad for him. As per Alice's words I knew that he is very genuine and he would definitely heartbroken." Re was observing my reaction and she spoke

"Momo we know how she is.... Showing off her beauty and just roaming around... She only sticks to people for not more than 2 days. She always wants to keep people under her feet. Just ignore whatever shit she says... and don't forget... If you become her BFF... Then you will not be at home but at graveyard.... Remember...."

She tossed her hair behind and I chuckled at her behavior. It has been only two week; she is more than friend but has become my sister.

"OK OK my queen... I'll get going for rehearsal." With this we parted our ways and I felt light after talking to her. I was happy but little did I know that my life is going to change on the day of Fresher's party.

Author's Note:

HI my dear readers I hope you guys got familiar with the characters a bit and I sincerely hope you guys would continue your support. Up next is the most awaited moment. It was the day all the newcomers are excited. "The University Fresher's Day." The entire university is looking lavishly beautiful. The decoration, the lights and the busy volunteers running here and there for getting the work done were adding flavors. Everybody in the university was dressed so elegant and beautiful. Our Momo is really excited for her first ever performance. Hang on and get to know what is gonna happen.

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