Chapter 8: I'm sure I can help your power grow.

Start from the beginning

I finally turn around and look up at him. He is still wearing that same signature red coat that I'm familiar with seeing him in. But the one he gave me looks exactly the same. "Do you have multiples of the same coat?" I ask him.

"It is functional and stylish." Alastor says with a playful shrug. "Also, a lot more... decent, then what you're currently wearing." He throws in as he narrows his eyes at me.

What does Alastor want from me? An apology!? I understand I may have instigated the situation with Vox a little, but it's not like I was in my right mind! Ugh, with that mentality maybe I do belong here. I sigh as I put my arms through the sleeves and button up the coat, standing up in the process. "Well, I appreciate it. Thank you, Alastor." I say without looking at him.

I pull my room key out of my jean pocket, surprised that this survived the ordeal from earlier. "I think I'm going to turn in for the night." I say to the two in the room. "Thanks for the conversation, Husk. Let's keep my outdoor adventure a secret from Vaggie and Charlie for now, if that's alright with you." I say it as a statement but mean it as a question as I look over at Husk.

I can tell he's not looking at me, he's looking next to me. His eyes... he looks afraid. That's interesting. I try to follow what his eyes are looking at and I end up looking back at Alastor again.

"I think a good night's rest will do you some good." Alastor says as he quickly moves his attention to me. I didn't miss that detail. There's something between Husk and Alastor, but I'm not entirely sure what. "Why don't I walk you to your room?" He offers, putting a hand on my back and basically pushing me out of the lobby and down the hallway. I didn't even get to say goodnight to Husk.

Now that we are alone in the hallway, I think this is a good time to bring up what went wrong at the V's tower. "So, how come my power didn't work against Vox?" I ask Alastor as we walk, looking up at him.

"Well, I explained that your power is at its full strength when you truly believe your opponent is threatening your life." Alastor begins, as he gives me quite the judgmental side eye. "Maybe you truly didn't want to escape." He says in a low tone as we continue down the hallway.

The absolute nerve! "Wh-..." I can't even form words; I'm angry at the accusation. "What are you talking about?! Of course I wanted to escape! You think I wanted to be fucked by flatscreen?!" I have my arms out, being a bit dramatic, but does he seriously think I was having a good time?!

"Hm." I can tell by Alastor's tone that he doesn't believe me. "I watched you for some time in that building. You didn't seem to... fight back, as much as I thought you would. Took you some time before you made any attempt." Yeah, he doesn't believe me.

"If you were watching me all that time then you know I was struggling with some weird high from that stupid red smoke! I wasn't in my right mind!" I argue with him.

"Oh, it's not me you have to argue with." Alastor mentions as he plays with one of the buttons on his coat, fixing an imperfection. "Don't you have a fiancé back in the living world?" He reminds me as he looks at me again.

That isn't something I want to think about right now. Of course, I will have to tell (fiancé's name), and I will feel horribly ashamed. Will they even believe any of what I tell them about this place? They'll probably think I've gone insane and put me in an asylum. If they do believe me, they'll probably be upset with me. For not wanting to think about it, I sure feel like I'm spiraling about the thought of this conversation.

"Back to my original question..." I'm trying to get back on course. "Why was I not strong enough to fight back against Vox?" I ask Alastor again.

"Well, if you were truly giving it your all and it still wasn't enough. You probably need more training." Alastor recommends. "The only problem is, I'm not sure how much more help I can be for you until... no... I think it's a lost cause." He doesn't clarify his thought process.

"What's a lost cause?" I need his help!

"Well, I had this staff that helped boost my own abilities. I'm afraid without it, I'm not sure how much more I can do for you." Alastor specifies. We finally reach my room number, stopping in front of the door.

"Well, maybe I can do something to put it back together. We can at least give it a try." I offer. It's worth a shot if it will help me become stronger.

"Hm... I didn't even think of that." Alastor ponders. "Tomorrow afternoon. Meet me back at my studio. We'll see if your power can fix it and put it back together. If so, I'm sure I can help your power grow." He seems excited about the idea, that's good! Right?

"Alright. I'll be there. Good night, Alastor." I unlock the door to my room and head in for a good night's sleep.

"Good night, little lamb." Alastor says as he continues down the hall. I'm sure tomorrow will be a step in the right direction! 

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