Chapter 2: What happens now?

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   It seems as if yesterday was just a single blur. Sure I've doubted the truth but insisted on finding real help for myself. Why bother going to therapy when this is my escape from reality. I've always dealt with this unexpected grief as if something died within me. As if someone just stabbed me hard and made me bleed everything out. Where did that all go? Roads can end with no turning back but the scars last forever. That family plan we had to move just shattered within me. What if I don't want to go? What if I am now physically happy living in this shelter? The purity I had and the hopes I dreamed for, are now all gone. I always believed that your true intentions were somewhere out to sea. However, it's right in front of me. I only had this small little gift that I just recently got and just the thought of losing it, is something I'm not looking forward too. I'm working really hard to make sure we last a lifetime. Just now I'm happy with where I'm at. With whom I'm with. And if that's not okay then leave me here. To perish the earth's naturalization and its defined beauty of the home I once loved.

     Things take time but something like this so grand has its 50-50 chance of going or staying. I was always told to follow the leader, but what if I want to stay and be the new one? I love everything here. The decor. The area. Not the people of course. But just everything. How close I am to certain shopping centers. Or how close I am to my friends. But the main concern is him. He's someone I have fought with god for to have and to hold. But if this is my life coming to an end, then maybe I'm not ready to lose it. He has a way with words and the exchangement of his thoughts are just something that excites me when I wake up. I want to feel that happiness I get when I see him, and be closer to him. Not an hour or two away. But that had just worsened the situation.

   Take a single step back. It's up to the higher ups to decide on where we go and especially him. The devil. I longed to grieve for a new life but now I am content with where I'm at. It is not about the daughter or the mother, but the old father and his choice of words. They've drowned her. Far deep into the ocean where not a single breath is seen. To visually picture it, she died farther than the titanic. Those poor unfortunate souls have nowhere else to go, and neither does she. They're all stuck deep down. Away from the world and haven't celebrated their birthdays with their loved ones.

   I still imagine sitting at a dining table with the devil and god himself right in front of me. I picture their facial expressions so clear, it doesn't bother me one single bit. God looks frantically away from the devil as he trots his hooves down below under. And the staff he holds leans against the counter, raiding the heat of hell. As for God, the bible lays flat onto the table and opens to the chapter of the old testaments. So cautiously pausing on every page for help. But wait. They both look up at me and silently pause until I say something. I remember so faintly that I smiled at both. Good or bad of a person, they had their hearts in them. They knew the cause and effect of the problems. They knew what pain lies behind every closed door. They knew that neither of them stood a chance with each other. And the love they had for both, vanished into thin air. One thing is clear: they are now divorced. Their marriage is over. One in the safe haven and the other climbing the walls of hell, escaping for redemption

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