33 5 4

(Wicked , Evil)

When he touched me ,
it stung my hand as if
an electric current
passed through us

When both brother sister were talking more like Diti whining , at the other side of seating area advik sat beside eklavya looking at the brother sister duo and than looked at eklavya who was also looking at them with a hint of softness

" What is going on eklavya ??? "
Advik whispered to eklavya

Eklavya looked at advik for a second sighed and said " Nothing "

" It does not look like nothing , but fine if you say so "
Advik said knowing very well that he himself is unsure right now , because in his whole 29 year not looking at any women even for a second and than looking at a girl with his full focus does not looks like nothing to him 

When advik look infront of him , he saw the diti coming towards them , Diti straight went to eklavya and stand infront of him , hands behind her back with a cheeky smile

Eklavya look at her with one eyebrow raised in amazement when she forwarded her hand infront of him and said in a gentlemanly manner " would you like to have a dance with me sir ??? "

Advik and atharva chuckled at her while a small but visible smile broke on eklavya's face

He forwarded his hand to her and said " sure madam " making Diti giggle at him and she pulled him towards the centre of the dance floor living a very much shocked advik and atharva behind

They got shocked at his bestfriend's smile which they  never have seen this much before it was always a smirk but actual smile was something they are witnessing for the first time today

After coming on the dance floor eklavya put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer making her put her one hand on his shoulder while other hand on his chest

" They are playing a party song , we can't do salsa here , lav "
She giggled and informed him but he stand there looking at her for sometime than she hold his hands just like advik taught her and move herself making him move with her , he stopped moving and looked at her

Meanwhile when eklavya and diti went from sitting area , atharva and advik came out of there shock and atharva asked
" Did he just smiled or I am seeing things now ??? "

" He surely smiled buddy , what is happening with my bestfriend ???, is he finally going mad or something ??? "
Advik replied to him

Eklavya and Diti came back from the dance floor and plopped beside advik , Diti said " I am tired now "

Eklavya stand from their and goes somewhere and after few minutes he came back with a glass of non alcoholic drink and passed it to Diti who took it and asked " ooh thanku lav"

Eklavya nodded and sit beside her while she gulp down whole glass in one go

Diti stands and informed them
" I will be back , I am going to the washroom "

" Wait I am coming with you "
Atharva said making her look at him weirdly

" Bhai you will not look good standing outside the ladies washroom , I will be back in a minute "
Saying this she rushed towards the other side breaking into the crowd

After she did her business , she came out of the washroom but stopped at the entrance when two creepy looking boys around their mid twenties smiled at her while moving towards her

She looked for anyone to help her but their was no one

" Where are you going pretty girl , have some fun with us also "
One men from the creeps said making her cower in fear

She gather her courage and said
" let me go , I am not interested "

They just came more closer to her and the second one said
" weren't you dancing with different men , come on have some fun with us too "

" D_do not d_dare to t_touch me , or you will r_regret "
She said trying to scare them away but of no use when one raise his hand and was about to touch her face

She closed her eyes which was by now filled with tears ready to feel any disgusting touch but it never happened, she opened her eyes to see a very stunning and tall women was holding his hand in a tight grip

She twisted his hand and kneed on his main part making him scream in pain

And punched on second men's face so hard that it would have broken his nose for sure

Diti sobbed lightly seeing all this , feeling pretty shaken up , that women came to her and wiping her tears she said " hey shh you are strong girl , look at me , don't cry okay , you are a very brave girl "

The women said making Diti look at her with her teary eyes

She side hugged Diti rubbing her forearm , she went outside were atharva with his two bestfriends coming towards her

Diti ran towards her brother and hugged him burying her face in his chest

Atharva panicked , same goes to the other two bestfriends, they looked at Diti worriedly

" What happened doll , tell me ??? "
Eklavya kneeled beside her crouching at the eye level of her , worry and anger visible on his face

She looked at him with her red puffed eyes and asked " can we go home ??? "

Eklavya nodded at her and atharva took her hand , they make their way outside the club but before going outside , diti searched for the women who saved her making the mens confused

After coming outside atharva make her sit on the back seat and he himself slide on the backseat with eklavya and Advik nowhere in sight

He didn't saw when they left but came back after few minutes of his sitting in the car with diti

Eklavya slide on the passenger seat with advik on the driver's seat , by now Diti was almost calm but taking hiccups in between her breaths

" Where were you gone ??? "
Atharva asked them but one look from both of them and he understood they will discuss later

" Diti beta , now tell us what happened in the washroom back there ??? "
Atharva asked diti softly who were holding a water bottle and playing with its cap absentmindedly

Diti looked at her brother and again teared up , she told them what happened back there and added " they were talking very disgustingly, Bhai , and if that women not had been present there , they could have also touched me with their disgusting hands "

Hearing her their blood boiled , anger was at peak but just to not scare Diti they kept their temper in check

She hugged atharva again taking heavy hiccups while he whispered soothing words in her ear while eyeing advik to start the car

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