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(Slim And Full Of Grace)

When Your eyes met mine
My soul pointed at you
and whispered to my heart ,
' her '

It's been a week since they arrived in Goa , they have been gone to various places and Diti is enjoying to the fullest

Today they have gone to market as Diti want to cook dinner today , and to explore the market of Goa

After coming home they went to their rooms to freshen up meanwhile diti hurriedly change into a crop top and shorts and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them

She started preparing for kadhai paneer and naan
As she was waiting for spices to cook perfectly while stirring it she heard eklavya's voice "can I help ??? " and turned towards him

Her breath hitched seeing him standing behind her looking at her so intensely that her heart started to beat faster than usual

He took the spatula from her hand while their hands accidentally brush with each other , both of them felt a electric sensation passes through their body when the hand touched

She quickly retreated her hand at the strange feeling and rubbed her hand together which didn't go unnoticed by eklavya

" Um p_please k_k_eep an eyes on the gravy , I will be b_back in a minute "
She told him and waited for his nod and ran towards her room with her heart beating crazily

Coming to her room she locked her bedroom door and looked at her shaky hands and thought

" What in the world did just happen , I have touched his hands before also , this never happened before "

She goes inside washroom and opened the tap with her shaky hands , she looked at her hand for few seconds and than wash her face

She went downstairs in the kitchen and saw eklavya frying veggies

" Aap khana pakana jante hain ??? "
Diti asked him surprised at his stirring style

" Yeah , ek bhukhe ko palna Jo tha mujhe "
Eklavya replied remembering the time when he and advik first time left the orphanage, no one knows how to cook so he learned cooking himself

" Tune mujhe bhukha kaha ??? "
Advik's voice came from behind Diti making her giggle at them

Eklavya smirked at him and motioned for Diti to come towards him

Diti goes towards him and he placed the empty plates in her hand and told her to place them on the dining table

" Chal help kr idhar aake "
Eklavya ordered advik

Three of them set up the dining table till then atharva also came downstairs

They had their dinner after which Diti went outside for a walk feeling cold breeze hitting on her face refreshing her

2nd week also passed with them having fun today suddenly Advik got an idea of going to club which Diti told him once she really want to go one time

" Come on , Bhai please just one time and you will be with me na , I am going to be just fine "
Diti asked her brother to which after thinking alot he agreed on one condition that she will be with one of them at each and every minute

Three mens got ready and were waiting for Diti to get ready, atharva was standing near staircase looking on his mobile phone and advik was seating on the couch throwing sponge ball in the air and catching it while eklavya was standing near window taking the support of wall with both of his hand inside his pocket

After few minutes they heard voice of heels clicking on the ground , when they looked at the staircase advik and atharva smiled at the sight infront of them

Diti is descending the staircase in satin ankle length dress with pencil heels and simple makeup , she smiled at her brother then at advik and when her eyes met with eklavya's his world stopped looking at her , his heart started beating faster than ever as if it will jump out of his chest anytime now

Meanwhile Diti's breath hitched at the unknown feeling generating in her when she looks at Eklavya

She diverted her eyes from him and said " you know you can compliment me , i wont mind at all " while looking at advik and atharva who were smiling at her

" Awww mera chotu kitna bada ho gya hai Bhai , you are looking very pretty "
Advik said smiling making her giggle at him

Atharva forwarded his hand to her , to which she gladly placed her hand on him and they started to went towards advik's car while he already sat on the driver's seat , atharva sat on the back seat after helping Diti on the passenger seat and eklavya sat beside him but he kept glancing at Diti from the corner of his eyes

After they reached the club they went to the VIP area and sat on the couch

Diti looking at everybody either dancing or drinking , she also saw some couples kissing or more like eating each other's face in corners, seeing this her face gone red from blushing

Advik forwarded his hand to her making her confused but either way she placed her hand on him , he make her stand and goes towards the dancing ground

She laughed at him when he placed his hand on her back and make her put her hand on his shoulder and said " follow my lead chotu "

He smiled at her and started moving with her following his moves , at one move when he swing around she was about to trip but he keep a strong hold on her preventing her from falling making her laugh again

While Diti was enjoying with advik , atharva and eklavya were watching them softly with a small smile on their face

After few more minutes they came to the sitting area she plopped beside atharva and placed her head on his shoulder

But than she again sat up straight in excitement and than stands infront of her brother

Atharva looked at him confused but than she took hold of his hand and pulled him with her and said " come on Bhai dance with me "

He protested and said
" No diti , go take eklavya or advik , I don't want to dance please mera baccha "

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