chapter 4

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~ Nick's POV ~ 

We've finished eating and i can't help but smile because of how proud i am of Charlie. No matter how much he was struggling this morning he decided to have some breakfast and he almost ate it all. 

We're standing in the kitchen kissing for a little bit until i pull away "we really need to go to the store now so we're hopefully back before Luna wakes up" i state and Charlie nods. We leave a letter on the counter in case she does wake up 'hi goodmorning, hope you slept well! We're at the store really quick, we'll be back soon, don't hesitate to grab anything you want! - Nick and Charlie' 

We get in the car and i drive us to the store.

~ Luna's POV ~ 

It's 10.30am and i wake up after not sleeping a lot last night even though i'm so tired. I'm having a really bad day already, my depression is bad but today is even worse. I'm not in the mood to get out of bed, i don't want to do anything and i don't want to talk to anyone.

I really don't know how i'm going to hide how bad i feel. I can feel the tears starting to leave my eyes, this day already sucks and it just started, i just want to sleep, i want my mind to be quiet, i don't want to feel. I hate my fucking life. 

I lay back down under the covers and decide to scroll on my phone in the dark. I'm not in the mood for anything else but just lay here in the dark all day.


It's 12pm right now and i'm still laying in bed on my phone. I hear the front door open and close, i didn't know that Nick and Charlie we're out of the house but i guess they're back now.

I'm so hungry but getting out of bed is the hardest task and i decide not to eat anything, i just want to lay in bed.

~ Nick's POV ~ 

It's 12pm now and we arrive back home with the bookshelves for Luna. The house is still really quiet and it doesn't look like Luna has been downstairs yet. We brought lunch with us but if Luna is still asleep then we can just save her something.

We bought some salades for lunch because Charlie was actually excited to eat it so that's good. "i'm going to check on Luna, i'll be back Char" he nods at me while getting everything ready to eat soon. 

I walk up the stairs and see her room is still completely dark, i decide to still go up to her room to see if she wants some food. I knock on her door waiting for a response and a silent yeah is coming out of the room so i open the door a little. "hi hope i didn't wake you up?" "no i was awake already" "okay good, do you want some lunch? We brought some salads and we have soup" "yeah i would love that, i'll be down soon" "okay great take your time" i leave her alone and go back downstairs.

Charlie set the table already and everything is organized by colour, some of the cupboards are open as if he was going to organize those next. I can tell he's really struggling today, his OCD didn't make him do this for a really long time but now he's sitting on the floor again and by the way he's looking around i think he's really overwhelmed by all the food.

I kneel down behind him and wrap my arms around him putting my head on his shoulder. "Char lets go have some lunch" i try to distract him from everything else. "n-n-no i n-need to- to d-do t-this!" he says while breaking the hug with me. 

"Char can you look at me?" he looks at me and his whole face is in panic mode. "Take deep breaths with me" he does as i say and follows my breathing, calming down a little bit. "How about we put some music on while we eat and then we're going to watch a movie together?" i really want to distract him but i know that he thinks a distraction won't work even though it does help him a lot of the times.

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