#1: "Time your moves only when you moves."

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Unknow, a name that resonated in the dark corners of the world of hacking. My reputation as a renowned former hacker was tainted by the crimes and conspiracies I had become entangled in. Now, I find myself immersed in a solitary existence, trying to escape from my turbulent past.

One night, as I wandered through the desolate labyrinth of an antique market, my eyes fell upon a sight that seemed to be directly extracted from my worst nightmares. An old PC, covered in dust and abandonment, awaited in a shadowy corner, as if it were a trap laid out especially for me. I couldn't resist the macabre attraction emanating from it and decided to take it to my abode.

Upon arriving at my refuge, I reluctantly removed the computer from its dusty prison and connected it. I'm a person who easily loses patience. The air was thick with ominous electricity as the screen flickered to life and the ancient operating system materialized before my eyes. However, what sent a chill down my spine was the sight of the red diskette lying in the floppy drive, like a cursed artifact awaiting its release.

My trembling fingers approached the diskette as if they were being drawn by a sinister force. I carefully extracted it from its case, feeling the cold metal clinging to my skin. With a mixture of fascination and fear, I inserted the diskette into the computer and ventured into an unknown digital abyss.

 With a mixture of fascination and fear, I inserted the diskette into the computer and ventured into an unknown digital abyss

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SUPERHOT: BETAMALWARE.EXEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin