chapter seven

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The image of his brother slaying the woman he called his wife replayed in his mind hundreds of times

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The image of his brother slaying the woman he called his wife replayed in his mind hundreds of times. All their greatest hardships, every time they've fought, every time she'd gotten hurt, the one time he couldn't save her doppelganger, the time she lost her wings and her mind, he relived it all right before his very eyes. He cried and screamed but no matter what he was showed, no matter how much he knew he had to give up his emotions, his rage beat him every time.

The seal as well as five hundred dead demons were the result of her official death. In his mind, he watched her die in other ways too. Where she was tortured by his father, where she was killed by both his brothers, where she was ganged up on by the ten commandments and left to die, where she would've died when she lost her wings. Everything he feared in every way, is what he saw.

His actions, the result of all the visions were the same. His wrath would consume him to the point where he destroyed everything around him. His eyes and his body would turn black as his demon side took over. A void erupted from him, creating craters in the land.

Suddenly, the intensity of it all faded. He was brought back to the land of the living. Elizabeth was next to him, staring with teary eyes. Zaneri was in front of him, looking very worried. He could sense Reina in the same building as him yet wondered why she wasn't with him. A vision of her appeared before him, invisible to the womens eyes.

"Meli~" she called for him. "It's okay. Nobody is blaming you for anything. My death is not your fault. No matter how many times the odds were stacked against you, you always risked your life to fight for me."

"Reina..." he whispered.

"Remember that I'm here. I'm alive and I will remain by your side until you order me away. Stay strong." she advised with a smile before disappearing.

His eyes sharpened with determination. He had to get his power back in order to be strong enough to protect her. "Zaneri, please send me back one more time."

"That's insane. No even you could possibly withstand any more of this stress.."

Meliodas took a deep breath, "It's not a problem. I can keep going...for her."

"Please don't ask me to do that. If this continues, it might really break your spirit! One false move and you could lose your life." Zaneri yelled.

"I can't move forwards unless I pass this test. So, put me back!" he yelled back.

"Alright, fine. I'll do it." Zaneri agreed.

Meliodas knew what he needed to do. He had to let go of his emotions entirely if he wanted to regain his power. More visions of his Reina appeared in his mind. Her dressed up for a town festival. Her cooking him dinner. Her dancing in a pub. Her aggravated face when he flicked her skirt up in public. Her face when she was being pleasured under him.

He knew he was supposed to forget all about her. He had to get used to her dying. He kepHe kept trying to tell himself that it was easy, that it was no problem at all. He had Reina back now. He didn't have to keep mourning her. was impossible to forget her.

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