chapter four

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In a speedy second, as soon as the blazing magical power touched her hand, it vanished

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In a speedy second, as soon as the blazing magical power touched her hand, it vanished. The power absorbing into her body, adding ten levels to her power. Everyone stared in shock, frozen. Reina's hand went limp as she waved it in the air lightly to cool off.
"Hot." She simply stated. "Thanks Martha." She said glancing at Hawks mom. The green pig huffed at her.

Meliodas rushed to her side. "What the hell did you do that for?" He quickly grabbed her hand to analyze the damage. It was a third degree burn that was already in the healing process.

"I wanted to help." She lightly smiled at him.

He stared up at her for a moment before sighing in defeat. "Don't endanger yourself for me or anyone else."

"I can't make any promises." Her smiled brightened as she pulled Meliodas in for a hug. "Just say thank you."

A muffled version of thank you was huffed into her chest. He knew she use his physical attraction to her as a weapon to get her way. He loved and hated it.

"Oh man, it was almost whole roasted pig time for me." Hawk said.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" Meliodas turned to his group to praise her. "Even I can't believe she managed to just evaporate all that magical power with one hand."

"It's not just impressive. It's unbelievable." King deadpanned.

Reina frowned at the comment. Meliodas copied her expression and patted her butt in appreciation.

"Lady Reina, your hands not hurt, is it?" Elizabeth asked.

Reina smiled as she shook her head. "I'm okay. Sorry if I worried you. It's similar to burning your tongue on a hot drink, the feeling goes away within a minute."

"Captain, listen." Merlin directed the attention to her. Meliodas looked at her, still embedded within his wife's boobs. "I advise that we change direction."

"Hold on, Merlin! That wasn't the plan!" King argued. "If you don't wanna look for Diane, then I'm going off to look for her on my own."

"I understand how you feel, but you need to calm down. Diane's presence has faded, along with the one who was confronting the Ten Commandments. This happened right before we were attacked. Most likely, they're both safe. But if we were to head in and approach them now, I'm afraid we'd be putting Diane and the person helping her in danger." Merlin explained.

Meliodas stepped away from Reina to comfort King. "We're definitely gonna rescue Diane. All of us together, okay?" He said as he placed a hand on King's shoulder.

"Captain..." king called out.

"So, I guess the change in direction means that you have somewhere else in mind, Merlin?"

"Right now, our top priority is to power up so we can fight the Ten Commandments. And to make that happen-" Merlin declared.

"We're gonna have a meal, right?" Hawk interrupted.

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