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The maldives were as nice as matilda remembered of course instead of having a kicking baby inside her stomach she now had a toddler running around the private beach lando chasing her the laughter contagious making tilly smile as she shaded the bright sun from her eyes though she had sunglasses on the bright maldives sun was no match for sunglasses.

The sound of waves crashing and Faye laughing was medicine for the heart for both lando and matilda and add the fact that they really had not been on their phones much other than taking some pictures and letting friends and family know that they had made it safely. It really was perfect.

Lando looked up the beach looking at Tilly who was now laying down on the sand on her stomach, her head resting on her arms hopefully not making weird tan lines. Lando left Faye with her toys just a few feet away before walking up to matilda collapsing next to her laying on his side facing her his arm slinging over her lower back making her turn her head towards him, a smile spreading across her face as his hand moved lower.

"Hi" she whispered a smile on her face as landos fingers moved gently across the girls skin goosebumps raising at the movements

"Hi" he whispered back the hand that rested on her lower back moved up moving her hair out of her face leaning closer placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before pulling her into his chest.

Those were the only words spoken between the two as land rolled onto his back arm curling under tillys neck still holding her close. He could hear Faye giggle as she played in the sand a few feet away from them. It wasn't long before she had stood up and flopped on top of Lando making him and Tilly laugh.

"Daddy I'm tired" she huffed, laying her head down onto his chest.

"Let's clean up your toys then we'll go to sleep" Tilly says softly as the little girl was in fact tired and nearly falling asleep on landos chest.

Tilly knew it wasn't long before she fell asleep as they had been up since six am and had been on the beach all day and it was now nearly sunset and add the fact that Faye never got her afternoon nap she was more than ready for bed which Lando and Matilda was ready for as they wanted time for themselves as the last two days they had been catching up on sleep from the long flight and time change.

With the help from Lando Faye picked up all her toys putting them in a mesh bag as Matilda picked up the other little things they had brought out. After all the things were picked up they walked back to the villa which was less than 20 feet away rinsing their feet off before entering the villa.

Lando picks up Faye taking her to the bathroom for a bath before she gets put to bed Tilly washed the sand out of Faye's toys before also going inside going up the stairs hearing Faye laughs echo through the villa.

It wasn't long before the toddler was asleep in the crib that the resort had provided for Faye which Lando and Matilda were thankful for as much as they love their daughter sleeping with a little toddler foot in their ribs the entire night wasn't exactly a good vacation.

Matilda was in the bathroom a white towel wrapped around her body as she had just gotten out of the shower, arms wrapped around her waist pulling her back into the man standing behind her. She leans her jeans back looking at him in the reflection of the mirror smiling at him. Turning around in his arms her arms going up to his shoulders and around the back of his neck as he leans in his lips touching hers.

Lips touching gently which then turned roughly as the towel around her waist slipping down slowly his hands moving down her body to her thighs lifting her up and onto the bathroom counter not caring about the stuff on is moving it to the side. His shirt was quickly shedded only breaking the kiss for a second his lips went to her neck of course careful not to leave any marks.

Hours passed thankfully Faye had stayed asleep; either Lando or Matilda would lie that they haven't nearly been caught by their daughter. Thankfully they had noticed her awake before something happened. The nearly full moon was shining brightly, giving enough light to see the outline of the couple still naked under the covers, Matilda's head laying on Lando's chest, his hand wrapped around her waist, his fingers moving gently over her skin enjoying the moment.

This was one of the last moments together that would feel this private until next summer break and although Matilda and Lando were grateful for the life they get to live they couldn't deny that it was hard being so public. So with that they stayed silent enjoying the love that they felt for each other although they just showed each other. 

Falling peacefully asleep together in each other's embrace and knowing that their daughter was just in the other room. They were just grateful for the life that they built and even more grateful for one another they were made for eachother mind, body and soul.

Really want to write a book with Kelsea ballerini as the main character 😅
I'm obsessed with her (not in a creepy way)

Also what a surprise I lied and posted 3 days in a row don't get used to it though😭🤣

End game (Lando Norris)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant