Chapter 12 - Nightmare on Playcare Street (Deep Sleep Arc - Part 3)

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Location: Home Sweet Home - The Orphanage - Playcare


As Y/n went inside the old orphanage that he used to live in and played with the Smiling Critters after not having as many friends during his childhood and now he made his return to the old place he once called home as started exploring the place until he stopped at door that leads to the hallway that leads to the playroom.

Y/n: Well, here I am, back at the old orphanage. I hope CatNap and the others are okay ever since I got adopted by Uncle Henry and the Playtime went out of business. I go.

He then opened the doors to press on forward, only to stop when he spotted the Red Mist that is covering the entire room that Y/n needs to go in to find where the backup generator is located in order to bring back the power to Playcare in order to finish his task for the Prototype.

Y/n: Huh. This must be the Red Mist that the Prototype was talking about, but if I want to find out where the backup generator is, I have to make my way through the Red Mist. I hope nothing bad happens to me if I breathe in some of the gas.

Y/n then took a deep breath to hold it in and pinched his nose to not breathe in the red gas and ran into the room as quickly as possible to get out of the red gas and find a clearing to another room before he breathes in some of the gas until he suddenly tripped on something that swept his legs causing him to fall onto the floor and accidently breath in some of the gas that made Y/n quickly get up off the floor and ran into the hallway until he finally got out of the gas.

But for some reason, he didn't feel tired at all or even fell asleep when he breathed in that Red Mist, which really confuses Y/n is to why the Red Mist didn't put Y/n to sleep or who managed to knock him into the floor as the one who tripped over somehow managed to hide perfectly in plain sight while Y/n was running into the room to find a safe place to get away from the Red Mist.

Y/n: Huh. That's odd. I breathed in the gas, and I didn't even fall asleep or even feel tired at all. But who knocked me down when I tried to run to another room where the gas isn't around. (Sighs) I'll worry about it later. Right now, I need to find out the location of the back-up generator. I just need to find it as soon as possible. This shouldn't be too hard to find out where it is.

Then as Y/n continued his journey down the stairs to a hallway that are also the Dorm Rooms that the kids can sleep in during bedtime and he remember sleeping with the other kids named Hoppy, Brian, Kevin, Theodore, Doug, Peggy, Carrie, and Bobby with CatNap as their own caretaker until the kids suddenly disappeared the next morning and CatNap told them that they are got picked up by their newly adopted parents.

But Y/n is already starting to believe that CatNap was actually lying to him and after watching the tape of how CatNap managed to transform two dead bodies into living Smiling Critters, and he must've managed to transform all of the kids into Smiling Critters and used that lie to cover his tracks.

Then suddenly, just as he was thinking about CatNap, he heard the familiar sound of telephone ring, but when he tried to grab the phone to answer the call, it was nowhere to be found and the sound of the phone ringing was coming from another room. So, Y/n walked over to where the sound was coming from until he finally went into a room to where the phone was located on a table next to a picture of a sad little girl as Y/n picked up the phone to see who is calling him.

Y/n: Hello? Who is this? Are you calling from here, Prototype?


Y/n: What?! What do you mean by that?! Who is after me?!


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