Chapter 9 - The Forgotten Critter (Intermission Arc - Part 2/2)

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Location: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza - Downtown Creation City

Date: 5 Years Since Adoption


It's been 5 years since Y/n has been adopted by Uncle Henry and he's having a great time living with him as the two of them decided to grab some Pizza and play some arcade games at a local Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria in Downtown Creation City since Y/n has managed to achieve some good grades at a local school as a reward for his hard work in education.

In all honesty, Y/n has learned a lot from his friend, Bubba Bubbaphant that decided to home school him as his teacher since Playtime Co. had to shut down the local school that was boarded up and locked up tight ever since the animatronic named Miss Delight that runs the school as a teacher to help the kids at the orphanage with their educational learning, but made a huge mistake of her life when she brutally murdered a child that made one simple mistake in a math equation and a Playtime Co. worker that tried to deactivate her.

It was a bit hard to stop her, but it only took at least 3 or 4 co-workers in armored suits to take her out with a few shots of their taser baton to fry her circuitry that is enough to shut her and the schoolhouse down. It was a tough time to run a school for a bunch of orphaned children, so they have to resort to hiring some substitute teachers for a "home-school" to help teach the kids as long as they get a decent paycheck every week and the kids are willing to get good grades if they want a brighter future in their lives.

That's how Y/n managed to become a straight A student at his school thanks to his old friend, Bubba Bubbaphant being his "Home-school" teacher just to help him forget about that homicidal schoolteacher.

In fact, Y/n suddenly remembered all of the good times that he, CatNap and the Smiling Critters did together at the Orphanage, and he began to wonder what happened to them after Playtime Co. went out of business as he never forgotten about his friends that he laughed and played with.

Then when it was time for Y/n and his Uncle Henry to go home, they spotted something in the parking lot when they were about to get in the car as Y/n walked over to it to get a closer look at it.

Then when it was time for Y/n and his Uncle Henry to go home, they spotted something in the parking lot when they were about to get in the car as Y/n walked over to it to get a closer look at it

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It looks like a fox plushie with grey/white fur that is all tattered, ripped and dirty with some of the stuffing coming out of it, has a broken heart zipper on his chest, and he appears to be...frowning at him, which did bring back some memories of how the Smiling Critters reacted when someone tried to pick on him or when he's having a bad day back when he was still at the orphanage before he was adopted by Uncle Henry.

Uncle Henry: Whatcha got there, Y/n?

Y/n: I don't know, Uncle Henry, but I think I've seen this plushie before and I remember seeing something like this from Playtime Co., do you think he's related to the Smiling Critters? 

Uncle Henry: I don't know, but he looks all broken and dirty and he even smells bad from all of the gunk and rainwater.

Y/n: Do you think we can fix him up to make him feel all brand new?

Uncle Henry: Hmmm...I think we might be able to repair him and make him smell better. Tell you what, champ. Why don't we take him home and see if we can fix him up and wash him to make him look fresh out of the assembly line.

Y/n: Ok then.

So, they both took the fox plushie back home to fix him up to make him brand new by sewing his ripped parts while stuffing some fresh cotton in him, placing some new eyes, scrubbing his rain cloud zipper to make it all shiny and rust free, and washing and scrubbing him to get all of the gunk and dirt out of his body before putting him in the washer and dryer with some fresh scented detergent and fabric softener.

Within a couple of hours, the fox plushie is all cleaned and good as new and he smells like fresh rainwater that is a pleasant smell for Y/n to enjoy sleeping during the night. 

However, even though that he looks all clean and brand new, Y/n couldn't figure out how this plushie is and he's pretty sure that he's seen him from the Smiling Critters TV Show. So, he decided to look him up on the internet and managed to find the info about this grey/white furred fox plushie and it turns out that he's a character of the show named FrownyFox.

As shown from the Fandom page of the Smiling Critters TV Series, in the 3rd season of the series, the shows rating began to drop, so Playtime Co.'s producers introduced a new character, which is Frowny Fox as he is shown to be the polar opposite of the Smiling Critters as he is not a happy camper and his magic brings out rainstorms and filling the wells with water and magic as he uses the weather to make the sky filled with raincloud, hence the raincloud shaped zipper.

He is a character that looked all depressed and unhappy and have no friends to play and laugh with. Sounds like something that Y/n can relate to since he didn't have many friends to play with when he was still living at the orphanage until he met CatNap and the Smiling Critters. He's also known to be sensitive and a great listener more than anything longs to be understood by the other Smiling Critters.

However, due to some criticisms from various children that volunteered to rate the only plush doll of Frowny Fox ever made, he was soon scrapped and forgotten by the company and was thrown away until he was found by Y/n and Uncle Henry that gave him a good cleaning and made him look brand new.

Luckily, Y/n did see that episode of the Smiling Critters TV Show and he felt bad for Frowny Fox that was scrapped from the series after appearing in only one episode and became a forgotten Smiling Critter.

Y/n: Wow. I never thought I find you at the parking lot of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but I'm sorry for all of the bad things that happen to you. You and I share the same problem and I promise to keep you with me as long as I can until I hand you over to my children. You're sleeping with me tonight, FrownyFox. You and I are gonna be great friends for now on.

So, Y/n decided to hit the hay for tonight and he decided to sleep with FrownyFox to remember the good times he slept with CatNap in his arms as he got in the covers in his PJs and gently hugged FrownyFox in his arms and he can smell the fresh rainwater scent that smelt good that is gonna give Y/n a good night sleep tonight with FrownyFox.

Y/n: (Yawns) Goodnight, FrownyFox. I love you.

Then as Y/n went to sleep peacefully in his comfy bed, he didn't feel FrownyFox's paw moved on its own and gently squeezed Y/n's hand and suddenly turned his frown upside down as he is thankful for Y/n's kindness and generosity towards him, and he will repay for his new owner by doing his very best to protect him like how the Smiling Critters did when Playtime Co. was still around, no matter how sad and miserable he is as the Forgotten Smiling Critter.

FrownyFox: (Quietly) I love you



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