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It's your fault Phi , I couldn't hear everything Tharn said because of you " Phaya said anxiously and Mock blinked a few times confused not understanding what exactly Phaya was talking about.

Looking at the window, Mock saw that Tharn was having a gloomy face too .
"It really is your fault" Tharn said pouting.
"What is my fault more exactly? " Mock asked and the both answered in a voice " Because you wake me up"
"Because you wake him up " and Mock didn't knew if he should laugh or cry for them .
When did those two became kids?
"And what exactly happened in your dream that you are annoyed? " Mock asked and the two boys didn't knew how to answer their faces red as blood.
Feigning ignorance Mock decided to play with the two .
"Aaaa, Why are you both so red ? Is there something I don't know ? " Mock said looking at the Phaya then turning his head towards Tharn without even know what he just said .
Looking at Mock , Phaya stopped being shy . Something was not right . With who was Mock smiling right now ? Where was he looking?
He just said both of you . Is Tharn there by any chance? It was a crazy thought but thinking about the dream he just had .... The real Tharn was in his dream so Tharn being here was nothing strange. Still, what was strange was that Mock could see him .
"Phi , with who are you talking right now " Phaya asked looking questionable at Mock who freeze at the question. He made another mistake.
"I...uh...I...What do you mean who Phaya, I'm talking with you of course"
"Um, really?!" Phaya said, nodding suspiciously. "Really, who could i talk to if not you? There's no on..."
"Tharn..." Phaya answered, interrupting him, looking straight into his eyes making him understand that he knows what he is talking about and cannot be fooled.
"Seriously, how could Tharn be…" Mock tried to convince him it was a misunderstanding but Phaya cut him off again
"It is! "
"Phaya . . ."
"I don't know how you can see him, I don't understand why I can't, but if he's here... help me talk to him," Phaya said somehow confident but in same time he felt like crying.
"Tharn, are you here ? Please talk with me Tharn " Phaya shouted looking around desperately.
" I'm here Phi , I'm here ."  Tharn said approaching Phaya and trying to touch his shoulder but his hand passes through his body . Turning around Than looked at Mock desperate. His lover was in pain . That's what he didn't want to see but in the end it happened. "Phi Mock , please tell him I'm here na "
"He is here " Mock said showing the place where Tharn was staying.
"Tharn, what happened, why are you like this ? " Phaya calmed down and tried to understand what was going on .
"Phi ,I don't know why I am like this, I just know that for coming back into my body I need to find out what happened to me , why am I in this situation in 40 days ." Tharn said and Mock repeated for Phaya.
"Wait why 40 days ? What will happen after those 40 days pass?" Phaya asked afraid about the answer and Mock remained mute remembering what the angel said . If he won't remember the past than he will die for real.
"Phi Mock , what will happen after 40 days pass?" Phaya asked again almost expecting the bad answer but praying for a good one.
"He ..."
"He what ?... Phi Mock ?! "
"He ..." Mock said looking at Than who was nodding his head ."HE WILL DIE" In the end he screamed the words out. His heart was hurting like hell for his younger brother. He was sorry , he was extremely sorry that he didn't use his time wisely and take care of his Nong too.
"What ? "
"If he won't remember what happened that day he will die " Phaya repeated again closing his eyes defeated.
"So if we find out what happened he will wake up ?" Phaya asked with a bit of hope .
"He needs to remember. But if we find out and tell him maybe he will remember " Mock said and Tharn nodded hopefully.
"So how many days passed from the deal ? " Phaya asked and Mock looked at Tharn.
"23 Phi , There were passing 23 days " Tharn said looking expectantly at him .
"23 days ..." Mock repeated what Tharn said .
"Then there are still 17 days right ?" Phaya asked  going to the bed where Tharn was lieing unconsciously. "Tharn , I will be back soon . Wait for me , don't go anywhere. I will bring your memory back somehow " Phaya said looking around.
"He is here " Mock said pointing at the place beside him .
"I will be back , wait for me . Trust me ,I won't let you leave me , I will be with you forever."
"I will wait for you Phi, " Tharn said looking softly at his lover " I love you Phi Phaya..." He knew he will be ok but just in case he wanted to make sure Phaya know what he is feeling.
"Tharn said he loves you and he is waiting for you to be back " Mock repeated and a smile appeared on his face .
"I love you to my baby. I promise I won't disappoint you. " Phaya said and rushed out. There was no time to loose . Truth to be said there were just 17 days . He needed to look confident in front of his boyfriend but he was extremely afraid that he will disappoint him.

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