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Hyunjin was in his room watching a K-drama through his laptop as the cheap, little apartment he shared with Jisung did not have a TV.

He watched as the couple sharing little kisses hugging each other as it snows. Weightlifting fairy is one of the dramas he watches again and again. Yes it doesn’t have a heavy plot. But it was very comforting to watch.

The front door opened pulling Hyunjin out of his comfort bubble. He guessed Jisung was with someone as heard another voice. Just as he reached the front door he heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Bye Sungie’ with the sound of door closing. Upon to his own amazement he found the voice comforting? He wanted to hear more of that voice.

“Who was that?” Curiosity got the best of him.
“Oh it was Channie hyung. He helped me carry these.” Jisung said pointing to the bags in front of him.
“Ahh I see. By the way who is this Chan hyung? I’ve only heard about him but never met him.”
“Finally our Hyunjinnie is interested in someone” Jisung singsongs, making Hyunjin scoff at him affectinately.
“I’m not interested him, I was just curious. Can’t I be curious for once?”
“Of course baby you can be curious. Let me tell you about him.”

The two of them went to the kitchen and Jisung told about Chan over the dinner Hyunjin made for them. Hyunjin was surprisingly not bored listening to what Jisung has to say about this Chan guy who he yet had to meet.

Both of them finished their meal and talked some more about how their day went. Most of it contained Jisung not so sad crush about Felix and how he made progress.


Also I wanted to say that Chan has brown hair and hyunjin has black hair.
Have nice day...!!!

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