Date Thirteen

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Place: Jennie’s apartment

Time: July 24th, 2016 12:00 pm

Yelp: n/a | Date: 10/5 counters to clean

The morning is a blur for the most part.

Jennie wakes up with her body sore - a good sore, but still sore nonetheless. She kind of can’t believe that she had sex with Rosie that many times in one night. It feels excessive, but at the same time; she’s impressed.

And then things kind of start back up only minutes after Jennie wakes because Rosie starts to rub her back. Then lower than her back, then “ you’re wet.” Before Jennie knows it Rosie is behind her with two fingers buried inside .

A few minutes later Jennie finds herself lying down again, sweat slicked and starving. So, Rosie goes to make breakfast.

Still naked.

Jennie ends up getting her up on the counter mid set-up, and well…

It’s just that, Jennie’s never wanted someone this badly. To the point where it’s intoxicating and she can’t quite think straight at times. She’s never been so affected by her name leaving someone's mouth, by fleeting looks, by simple kisses. Never wanted to constantly touch and be touched.

Until now. Until Rosie.

Jennie wonders how the hell she’s going to manage since Rosie’s moving in now. Like, now - within a couple of weeks now. She’s only halfway through breakfast and already getting flustered by the way Rosie wraps her mouth around her fork.

To be fair, Jennie is almost certain Rosie is trying to be seductive considering she hasn’t given up eye contact throughout the entire meal.

“Stop it,” Jennie says.

Rosie pouts. “Stop what?”

“You know what.”

Rosie puts on this awful show of a confused face, making her eyes go wide and eyebrows knit, and Jennie is mad because it’s annoyingly cute. “Rosie can’t possibly know if Jennie doesn’t tell her.”  She takes another deliberate bite, letting her tongue come out to clean the fork carefully. It’s not like they’re eating something messy either. Scrambled eggs don’t need that much forkplay.

Jennie sighs and closes her eyes for a few moments before opening them once again. And then she begins to slide off her robe since she’s already pretty much finished with her breakfast anyways.

Mentally she reminds herself that she’s going to need to bleach about half of the kitchen.

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