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Chan, watched Y/N from a distance, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of her embracing her heritage with such poise. He observed how she effortlessly mingled with the guests, her laughter ringing out like a melody amidst the joyful chaos of the celebration.

Caught up in the moment, Chan found himself drawn to Y/N as she knelt down to play with a group of children, their eyes wide with wonder as they gazed up at her in adoration. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, her kindness and warmth shining through as she interacted with the little ones with genuine affection.

Chan than back, smiling as he watched his Stray Kids family dive into the wedding festivities. Felix and Hyunjin were dancing their hearts out, while Changbin and Han were busy playing cricket with local kids. Seungmin and Lee Know were marveling at the decorations, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere.

Seeing them all having such a great time, Chan couldn't help but feel proud. Despite being far from home, they were embracing the celebration and connecting with Y/N's family. These moments reminded him of why their bond as Stray Kids was so special, built on shared experiences and genuine friendship.

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