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After Y/N's heart-wrenching confession, the boys gathered around her, genuine concern etched on their faces. Chan, the leader, took a deep breath and spoke with sincerity, "Y/N, we had no idea you were feeling this way. We never meant to hurt you, and we care about you a lot."

felix, always with a warm smile, added, "At first, we might have seen you as competition, but now, you're like a little sister to us. Someone we want to protect and care for."

Chan nodded, "You're not just part of the group; you're family. We were sorry we couldn't show it before, but we want you to know now."

minho, usually reserved, spoke up, "We didn't realize you felt left out, and we're truly sorry for that. From now on, we'll make sure you never feel that way again. You're important to us, and your feelings matter."

Han, known for his playful spirit, added, "You're not alone, Y/N. We're a team, and we'll stick together through everything. No more feeling left out; we got you."

(next morning)

When Y/N woke up the next morning, she saw jeongin with a big smile. "Good morning! We made hangover soup for you. Hope it makes you feel better!" he said cheerfully.

Hyunjin was right there too, holding a bowl of hot soup. "We thought you might need this after last night," he explained, grinning.

Then, one by one, all the other members walked in, smiling warmly. "Morning, Y/N!" they greeted together.

Y/N felt so happy. It was so different from before when she felt a bit left out. Now, the room was full of laughter and friendliness. They all sat together, sharing stories and enjoying breakfast. It felt like a real family.

As Y/N had the soup, she realized that the tough night had turned into a morning of kindness and care. The members showed her that she was truly important to Stray Kids. From that day on, every morning felt brighter, and Y/N felt like she really belonged.

straykids 9th member || female version || Indian version || (requested)Where stories live. Discover now