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In the days that followed, Y/N's feeling of being an outsider grew stronger. Unable to bear the loneliness, she found herself at a nearby restaurant, drowning her sorrows in a sea of drinks. The world seemed blurry as she stumbled back towards the dorm.

Meanwhile, Chan, noticed Y/N's absence and a nagging worry took over. Trusting his instincts, he decided to check nearby, hoping to find her safe. As he approached, he saw Y/N struggling with her steps, clearly upset. What he didn't expect was a stranger approaching her, taking advantage of her vulnerable state.

Fury filled Chan as he witnessed the scene unfold. Without a second thought, he confronted the creep, delivering a powerful punch that sent a clear message. Y/N, in her intoxicated state, didn't comprehend the danger she was in, but Chan was there to protect her.

He guided her back to the dorm, supporting her both physically and emotionally. The others members were puzzled and concerned as Chan brought Y/N inside. That's when, with a heavy heart, Y/N poured out her feelings. Tears flowed freely as she confessed how being left out made her heart ache.

With tears streaming down her face, Y/N shared her feelings with the boys. "I thought everything would be happy after we debuted," she said, her voice shaky. "But it didn't change. It felt like everyone still didn't want to be close, and it really, really hurt."

She explained how she had imagined they'd be close friends after achieving their dream together, but it turned out differently. Y/N confessed, "I just wanted to be part of the group, to celebrate together. But it felt like I was invisible, like I didn't matter." Her words carried a deep sadness, and her tears showed the pain she had been holding inside.

The boys listened, and Y/N continued, "I felt left out, and it hurt a lot." The room became heavy with sadness, and the boys felt the weight of the hurt they unknowingly caused. Y/N's tears spoke louder than words, and the boys couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret and understanding. They hadn't realized the pain she was going through.

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