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Bang Chan carefully lifts Y/N into his arms, her body feeling lighter than usual but her warmth still radiating through the fabric of her clothes. He holds her close, mindful of her feverish state, and begins the journey back to their dorm.

As he enters their dorm, the other members are fast asleep, unaware of the late-night drama unfolding. Bang Chan gently lays Y/N down on her bed, tucking the covers around her with utmost care.

he can't help but admire her. Even though she's sick, she still looks beautiful, like a sleeping angel. He notices the way her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks and the faint hint of a smile playing on her lips, even in her unconscious state.

He sits by her bedside, keeping a watchful eye over her as she sleeps, his mind filled with thoughts of her. He brushes a stray lock of hair away from her face, marveling at how delicate she seems in this moment.

He places a cool cloth on her forehead, hoping to ease her fever, and sits by her side, his gaze never leaving her face. The hours pass slowly, but Bang Chan doesn't mind – he's content just to be there for her, to provide whatever comfort she needs.

Eventually, exhaustion catches up with him, and he finds himself drifting off to sleep, still seated beside Y/N's bed. His hand remains on her forehead, the steady rhythm of her breathing lulling him into a peaceful slumber.

When he wakes in the morning, Bang Chan is greeted by the sight of Y/N's bright eyes staring up at him, filled with gratitude and warmth. She reaches out to him, her hand finding his with a gentle squeeze, and he can feel the tension leaving his body as he returns her smile.

"Thank you," she whispers, her voice soft and hoarse from illness. "For taking care of me."

Bang Chan's heart swells with emotion as he
felt something stirring in his heart, a warmth that he can't quite explain. It's a feeling he's never experienced before, and though he's unsure of what it means, he knows one thing for certain – he cares deeply for Y/N, more than he ever thought possible.

straykids 9th member || female version || Indian version || (requested)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora