Chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep, I had so many thoughts going through my head. I replayed everything that had happened in the last few days. The return of my memories was strange, I knew a lot of things about my past, but I felt like I had read them all in a book, not that I had experienced it all. Like knowing the story of a favorite book and always remembering some interesting detail. Even the action packed moments where our lives were on the line, suddenly it felt like maybe I just made it up and replayed it in my imagination like some kind of fiction. I really felt the urge to write it all out, to sort my thoughts out.

I'd been tossing and turning in bed for so long I couldn't stand it for a minute. I sat up and looked at the alarm clock, it was 3 a.m. I sighed and got up. Alfie was lying on the edge of the bed, he lifted his head and measured me with his gaze, then he lowered his head disinterestedly and rolled over into a different position. At least one of us had come to terms with it all fairly quickly.

The bedroom door was ajar because of Alfie, and I walked into the hallway and headed for the staircase. I tried to be as quiet as possible, but the hardwood floors were quite treacherous. I stopped in front of the guest room where Aidan was. I wondered if he was asleep, even had the urge to knock on the door. But what would I say to him? And at this time of night? Nonsense. I shook my head, wanting to move on. But somehow my feet wouldn't listen to me. What if he didn't stay? After the childish way I acted, he might as well leave. I didn't like the idea.

That's when I noticed Alfie appearing out of nowhere in the hallway, lit by streetlights through a window. He sat up and looked as if he was judging me, "well what's up?" i suggested the words but didn't say them out loud. As if perhaps he could answer me. On the other hand, I don't think I have it quite right in my head at the moment and I can't rule out the possibility of that happening. Alfie just kept staring at me, as if waiting to see what I would do. I waved my hand at him to go away, he sat there like a chained up cat and didn't move, "come on..." during my full attention to the cat I turned around just as Aidan was standing in the open doorway. I was a little startled again, but not as visibly as I had been in the kitchen, still I couldn't help but notice the look on his face at my reaction.

"Oh! Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. I..." before I could continue, Aidan suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room, where he leaned me against the wall next to the door. I don't even know how fast it happened, but suddenly he was close, really close. For some reason I expected him to start kissing me, but he didn't. He stroked my cheek gently, through the ends of my hair. I'm pretty sure I must have looked completely surprised and nervous.

"How is that possible?" He asked softly, sounding a little strange.

"And... what?" I swallowed.

"That you drive me crazy in every way... you attract me like a magnet and you drive me away in the same way..." He moved closer, just inches from my lips. My heart had been racing the moment he'd pulled me into the room, but now I was sure he must feel it too. I closed my eyes. I would have easily let him kiss me. But he didn't. Instead, he leaned into my neck and murmured, "You smell so damn good. At least that hasn't changed." The tone of his voice sent heat pouring through my body, reaching places it hadn't in a really long time. And it helped a lot more when he kissed my neck. I gasped louder than I'd planned. He looked up and our gazes met, and I swear if he pulled me into bed right now, I wouldn't have a single objection. I really don't know what to do with myself...

It's just, something wasn't right. It was warm in here, really, maybe too warm. I put my hand on his forehead, "you have a fever!" I squealed.

"You know how to turn a man hot." He huffed and I snorted.

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