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*Lincoln continued his journey around the place after killing Ms. Delight and like the other times, he fines another small critter cutout, this one was an anthropomorphic lime rabbit with black eyes, a black nose, and long ears. Her paws are a darker shade of green, similar to the rounded T-shape design in the inside of her ears. Similar to the other Smiling Critters, she is depicted with a wide toothless grin (the inner mouth shrouded in darkness), and she possesses a black zipper line running down her center, with the zipper sporting a gold lightning pendant. The cartoon appearance in the cutout is roughly the same as her toy appearance, albeit with her zipper line removed, the addition of white pupils and four-digit hands, and the zipper pendant now attached to a black necklace*.

???: I'm Hoppy Hopscotch! Wanna try hopping to the moon with me? On three, with me? 1...2...3!... Heh, didn't get very far, did we? Again..1...2...3! Nope. Still didn't make it. Listen, this won't stop until we make it to the moon! 1...2, No no, don't look at your feet! None of that matters. Again! Again! JUMP!, JUUUUUU- (static)*.

Lincoln: Why do I feel like this cutouts are alive everytime I keep pressing these, like with honeycat, and the other small critter cutouts I've encounter so far....wait what's this?

*Lincoln found another hand this one looked like hand gun, when he tested it, it shot fire out of it, he was amazed at it but realized there was a number, and he knew its the number of the ammo that remains in the red hand, so he was smart to not waste it*.

Lincoln: This will defidently come in handy, now, what to do next, hmmm, oh there's another battery box, perfect.

*He grabs it and puts it in its battery hole and opens another door which let him into the underground base aka a cave location, which he had to be careful not to fall but before he could continue he saw another tape lying in the ground and behind him was vhs player with a tv, so he takes it and puts it in and see's what was on it*.

???: Stupid clunky elevator.

???: What was that, Richie?

Richie: Nothing, nothing. Let'ust get this shipment dropped and go.

*In the far end lincoln can hear ellitot ludwig beginning his introduction*.

???: I take it you're not a fan of this place? Are you?

Richie: Nope. Never liked the feel of it. I mean don'tcha think these kids deserve some real sunlight instead od floodlights and painted skies? Hell, we're even allowed to talk to these kids, isn't that- Ahem- Sorry Stu.

Stu: Sorry? That doesn't sound like the Rich I know.

Richie: Well...I'm trying to stop being so pissed off all the time. My wife says I'm a lovely man, but I gotta control my temper. So I'm doing it for her.

Stu: *chuckles* You're just different, Rich. Honest to a fault. But I've always like that about you.

Richie: Yeah? You're one of the few.

Stu: You know Richie, with my retirement coming up, uhm...they've been pushing hard for me to choose my replacement. I'm thinking about giving the role to you.

Richie: Really?

Stu: Nothing official yet. But I think there's a decent guy beneath all that gruff. An honest, hardworking man. You prove me right. I'd say your chances are pretty good.

Richie: Wow, I uh...I don't know what to say! I'm just...glad to see not everyone in this place has it out for me.

Stu: Not everybody, Rich. Not everybody. *The tv turns off*.

Lincoln: Well that was something, kind to say.

*Lincoln then began walking on the platform and use the purple hand to get to other places of the cave until he use the green hand to activate more purple hand panels and had to jump to get to the top platform and gets to the other side of the cave and uses his grabpack to activate a platform elevator and as he was walking towards another door, in the corner of his eyes he can see catnap worshipping a machine covered with dead small critters, pj pug a pillars, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs and bunzo bunny body parts and corpses*.

Lincoln: Oh god, I'm gonna be sick.

*Lincoln made his way down to the other end of the cave ignoring the pile of dead bodies and body parts on the machine, he saw a door locked with a sign saying "Playhouse Restricted Acess" lincoln then use the blue hand on the blue panel and opened the door and made his way into the playhouse, upon reaching it, he saw a small critter crawling out of a whole laughing as it crawls towards him but used his red flare hand gun and scared it away*.

Lincoln: I got to be careful, I can't let those things catch up to me, there similar to the mini huggies.

*He then saw another Cutout of a small critter, this one was an anthropomorphic bear with red fur, black eyes, a black nose, rounded ears, and padded paws. Her paws and upper-snout are a lighter shade of red, similar to the inside of her ears. Like the other Smiling Critters, Bobby BearHug is depicted with a wide toothless grin (the inner mouth shrouded in darkness), and she possesses a zipper line running down her center, with the zipper sporting a ruby-colored heart pendant. The cutout's cartoon appearance is roughly the same as her toy appearance, albeit with her zipper line removed, the addition of white pupils, and the zipper pendant now attached to a black necklace

???: Hi! I'm Bobby BearHug! Wanna know how much I love you? I love you to the moon and back. I'm crazy about you. I'm lost without you. I've been lost a long time...Please take me with you this time. You won't leave me, will you?

Lincoln: I feel so sorry for these creatures, but I can't risk getting killed by these small critters

*He then went inside the Playhouse and saw small critters approching him so he had to use his Red Flare Hand Gun to get them away, he then went inside the tunnels of the playhouse and tried to made his way  to the other side of the playhouse*.

Lincoln: Jeez this place is like a maze like the Status mini game from Pj-Pug-A-Pillar.

*He kept going and he had to use his red flare hand gun since he couldn't see, when he shoots a flare a couple of the small critters run away, startling lincoln bit he knew being afraid was not an answer*.

Lincoln: There like roaches crawling around the place.

*He then made his way to a doorway which led him towards a pool room, once he was in he went through a door and saw some cells, upon making his way there, he encounter another small critter but this one....was a big one*.

Lincoln Loud In Poppy PlaytimeWhere stories live. Discover now