Entering the Factory

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*Lincoln makes his outside but not before saying goodbye to his family who were packing for their trip*.

Lincoln: Alright I'm ready Lori.

Lori: Hope in, let's make this quick.

*Lori drives lincoln to the factory luckly she got it on the GPS which once they made it the two siblings were suprise how huge the factory was*.

*Lori drives lincoln to the factory luckly she got it on the GPS which once they made it the two siblings were suprise how huge the factory was*

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Lincoln: Wow.

Lori: I'm speechless, I still don't how you got a job here.

Lincoln: Neither do I but a job is a job and I ain't going to turn it down.

Lori: Good luck lincoln, give us a call if anything happens.

Lincoln: I'll keep it in mind, well I'll see you'll after your vacation.

Lori: Bye Lincoln.

*Lincoln exits vanzilla and goes inside the factory while seeing lori driving away he see's the Playtime toy factory, the place had a somewhat... nervous feeling... while he was arriving his heart was beating a little fast... since it was his first job. The weather was cloudy with a chance of a storm, once arriving inside the factory, The factory looked like it did 10 years ago, only it had a very strange vibe... scary*.

*Lincoln stares at the building while swallowing nervously but manages to grab something valuable and enters the factory. The interior was somewhat shabby. The first thing there was was a reception where people were received*.

Lincoln: well...for now there's nothing bad.

*Lincoln began looking around for other people but to his suprised no one was there, he tried calling even screaming but no answer*.

*He said while he walked through the place past the reception to a closed door. At first he didn't see any handle or button that could open it but he looked up and saw a blue panel in the shape of a hand that connects to the door*.

Lincoln: Looks like I need a... hand to open it. *he said while looking at the door*

*Lincoln started to look for that hand that would help him open the door, after a while searching he did not find it until he saw a door that said "security office" he thought he would find the hand, he tried to open it but he couldn't, he tried to throw it but He couldn't, then he looked at a panel that was next to the door. The board was black with colored squares*.

Lincoln: I see...a puzzle, I need to know what the correct combination of colors is to be able to open the door.

*He said to start looking throughout the reception for any paper or writing that says what the correct combination of the board is, but no... there was nothing that said what the combination was. After a while searching, he found nothing at the reception until he found a room full of empty shelves and one or another empty box of toys, it was a gift store. Lincoln started looking around for the combination and couldn't find it, he started to search. get frustrated.

Lincoln Loud In Poppy PlaytimeWhere stories live. Discover now