19. I Don't Love Him

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And I don't know why the words he spoke since the day began were making me melt. It was so domestic. So peaceful. So unlike Abhimanyu to voice out his thoughts.

Maybe after showing me a huge part of himself he felt there was little to hide?

"Get out of my room, before Atharva Roy and Papa ban you from the list of people who enter this mansion."

I say while smiling at his cute lost expression and walking towards the door to greet my impatient big brother a very good morning.




(Three weeks later)

"Amara! Please set me up with your brother!" I heard s junior whining and rushing behind me.

It was literally my life as the only sister to two heartthrob brothers.

I sigh in frustration.

"Atharva bhai is dating. And you are too young for him..." I said carelessly walking my mind occupied with getting my work done fast so that I could go home and watch my favourite K-drama.

"I meant Aarav..." She said blushing at merely mentioning his name and I cringe internally.

"Oh." I halt in my tracks and look at her now looking excited at finally getting my undivided attention.

"So! Can you help me? You know a girl helping another things!" She said and jumped a little while speaking now.

"Aarav doesn't really listen to anyone. He does the opposite of what you ask him to do... Its like trying to give instructions to a hamster. No, actually a Hamster would understand instructions better than him."

I said and saw her smile dropping slowly.

"And he definitely never listens to me. So! All the best trying to get his attention. You have my silent support." I said laughing internally at my excuse.

They were getting lamer by the day.

"You are the silent bitch kind." She huffed out harshly and stomped away and I burst into a fit of laughter while continuing on my way to my locker.


"Meet me in the studio."

I look at the note in my locker. And my eyes scrunch up in confusion.

Abhi writing notes?
Since when?

He was the type who would demand what he wants from a person. Not really the subtle or cryptic type of person.

I fold the note and push it into my skirt's pocket and dropping my books inside my locker and scrolling through my phone trying to check if he had sent any messages that I had missed and that's the reason for the note.

While making my way towards his studio.

Not a single message from him.

A feeling of uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach when I walked into the dark sculpting studio. Devoid of any source of life. Not a single one.

A maze of lifeless sculptures surrounded me. Giving me a nerve wrecking feeling as the room was darker than usual.

Everything about the situation I was currently in felt fucking horrible.

Unlike all the time I had been spending here the past three weeks.

Watching Abhi Sculpt.
Him randomly getting lost in my eyes and then grumbling how he lost track of time and now had backlogs in his assignment. And then proceeded to kiss me like a baby who needed pampering.

Bound by HeartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang