
Sure enough after not long the car stopped by the roadside, and two burly men approached.

Xiao Dong took the initiative to get out of the car, and even patted one burly man on the shoulder: "She already discovered it, be careful of her."

Burly man: "......"

And so, Nan Xiangwan watched the driver get changed with a calm expression, while the car drove towards the suburbs, without her getting violent.

The two burly men felt completely unaccomplished, silently driving the car.

The live comments were practically laughing themselves to death.

After arriving at the filming location, it was precisely 12 midnight, timed perfectly.

Over here Guan Liangzhe was violently escorted the whole way to the filming location. The poor guy had no idea this was the program team's idea, and actually thought he got kidnapped. He started reciting his last words while crying, extremely pitiful.

The two burly men drove the car into a garage, then got out of the car, closed the door, and left.

The heavy garage door slammed shut, and the next second the surroundings were pitch black.

Horror Escape Room Season 2 had officially begun!

Guan Liangzhe screamed in fright, his terrified expression fully captured by the livestream camera, making the audience double over in laughter.

But just then, a girl's voice rang out beside him.

"Is, is anyone there?"

The girl's voice was trembling, obviously very scared.

Guan Liangzhe's eyes widened, damn, they kidnapped a girl too?!

These kidnappers are too much!

Guan Liangzhe hurriedly responded: "Ye-yes, where are you?"

Girl: "Wahh, it's so dark I also don't know where I am."

Guan Liangzhe: "Your voice sounds very familiar!"

Girl: "It's me, Sha Ling!"

Guan Liangzhe: "???"

Guan Liangzhe: "Sha Ling?! You got kidnapped too?!"

Sha Ling: "Kidnapped? I thought I was here to participate in a variety show? It was called Horror Escape Room, I got locked alone in a little dark room as soon as I entered the game and have been here waiting for a long time."

Guan Liangzhe: "......"

What does this mean? So this is the show's filming location?

The kidnappers went through so much trouble to send him to the Horror Escape Room program team?

Guan Liangzhe couldn't get his mind around it for a moment.

The live comments exploded with laughter again, while also celebrating the collaboration between the girls' group members!

Sha Ling is here!

It's just that this casting is a bit ridiculous, they chose Sha Ling who has the smallest courage!


In another livestream, Lan Tianyou was also kidnapped in the same way with the whole car driven into the program team's filming location.

As soon as the door closed, it was pitch black and he couldn't see his fingers.

Lan Tianyou started bawling on the spot, crying until he was hysterical.

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