He started chattering away with his analysis that made a lot of sense.

Nan Xiangwan didn't hear a word he said.

She was thinking about her mother.

Teng Shihai talked for a long time before suddenly asking, "Why don't you eat the jerky and compressed biscuits?"

Nan Xiangwan: "Do you have any chocolate left?"

Teng Shihai: "It all melted, it's so hot here."

Nan Xiangwan: "Give it to me, I'll trade you some jerky for it."

Teng Shihai: "I'll just give it to you directly, don't talk about trading! I'm scared of those 5 special ops brothers!"

Have you ever seen them trading supplies by taking off their pants?!



The 7-man team raced back, returning to Lingshan Military Region in a day and a half.

It was afternoon at this time.

The alarm at Lingshan Military Region had been lifted. Except for the engineers still busy at the river, the rest continued their daily training.

After resting for a day, Gu Beihuai's vision recovered.

Although his eyes still hurt a bit.

The doctor strictly forbade him from overusing his eyes again!

Hongmantou also took away all other tasks so that he couldn't touch them.

Although Gu Beihuai was very worried about the results, he didn't force it. If he really couldn't see, what would happen to the little one?

If people bullied him, Gu Beihuai wouldn't even know.

Soon, the news came.

The 7-man team dispatched by Lingshan Military Region was back!

Gu Beihuai immediately ignored everything else and rushed out.

After Nan Xiangwan's 7-man team returned, their first task was to report to Han Ting.

Han Ting was inside the room, asking them one by one to come in and talk while the others waited in the hallway.

The questioning was to understand each person's condition and the completion of this mission.

As the team leader, Nan Xiangwan was the last one to go in.

At this time, the first person who went in had already talked for ten minutes with a very detailed report.

When Gu Beihuai arrived, at first glance he didn't see Nan Xiangwan. He strode forward several steps before noticing something wrong, then retreated.

He stood still in front of this face-painted female soldier, doubting for a moment whether his vision had recovered.

Before his eyes was this soldier with two large green horizontal stripes painted over her eyes, and a large horizontal stripe drawn from the corner of her mouth to her ears...

Was this, was this Nan Xiangwan?

Why did you paint yourself as a toad?

Chapter 242

Nan XiangWan stared with her frog-like wide eyes, looking at the person in front of her: "Gu Beihuai, are there my mom's fingerprints on it?"

She was worried!

Gu Beihuai heard this voice and came back to his senses. He felt complicated inside and was thinking about how to tell the little one about this matter.

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