Chapter 10

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It felt like the whole world was crashing down on me. Why must life be so cruel? What had I done to deserve this? I had come to terms with her death, and now it seemed as though I was being haunted by her. Part of me wanted to believe that it was only a conjured shadow from the resurrection stone, but there was no way my family would've gotten ahold of it. Another thought was that it was a boggart, but that possibility was slim to nothing.

After a few seconds of just standing there my stiff legs gave out as I crouched to the ground. Careful not to dirty the ends of my clothes. The fear now changed to panic as I felt like the air in my lungs was trapped.

It picked up becoming rattled and soon I burst into hysterics. Not loud enough to garner any attention from the other tenants, but enough to alert my friends. Who I guess were hanging around. Ominis crouched next to me as my family gave me looks of empathy. Rubbing my back, whispering soothing words into my ear. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Annabeth giving him a glare. Almost like she was jealous.

"What's wrong Lia?" Sebastian asked as he knelt infront of me. Anne and the others close by, Garreth reached into his pocket and pulled out a vial handing it to Seb.

"It's a calming draught," he states and Sebastian nodded. Him and Ominis managed to get me to stand up, due to my unsteadiness I leaned on Sebastian as Ominis stood before me.

"Deep breaths darling, you're alright," Ominis cooed whilst Sebastian rubbed my arm. Once I was in a better state, the vial was placed in my hand and I drank the liquid. Not long after I had taken it, a wave of serene calmness washed over me.

"Here flower eat these, it'll make you feel better," Garreth walked forward holding out a handful of fizzing wizzbees knowing they were my favorite candy at honeydukes. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Gar," I state taking the chocolate from him and placing a few in my mouth. "Thanks you guys," I smiled at the boys who were now standing beside me. They nodded giving me bright smiles.

"Anytime dueling buddy," Seb smirked nudging my arm, adding a chuckle as Anne shook her head.

"What's got our sweet flower in such a state?" Lyla asked linking her arm with mine, placing her head on my shoulder. Ominis nodded in the direction of Annabeth, who was still stood there awkwardly along with my family. Although they seemed happy with the connections I had made with my friends here.

"Is that...." Maddie starts knowing I knew where she was going with this. Considering I had shown her, Lyla and Garreth pictures of Annabeth as I told them the story of what had happened. I nodded, toying with the necklace around my neck. Wondering what was really inside, if she was standing right there.

"How is that possible?" Garreth adds looking over at the girl in shock. He knew how upset I'd been with her death, but now it turns out it wasn't true.

"Please Mags, let me explain. I owe you that at least," she spoke up, her voice sounded like it was on the verge of breaking down. As she spoke I began to noticed how terrible she looked. Her one full figure was slimmed down greatly. Her usually flush skin, pale and almost a sickly colour. Bruises were littering her arms and legs. And her once voluminous shiny black hair, was now flat and extremely dull.

"Alright, but not out here," I sighed and ushered everyone into the three broomsticks. There wasn't too many people inside which was good, so we managed to get a table for us all. "Eleven butterbeers please Sirona," I shouted to the owner who smiled.

"Sure thing Magnolia. On me this time," she replied before getting everything ready. My group had sat down waiting for Annabeth to explain what really happened that day.

"Your ancient magic somehow protected me from the curse. It didn't kill me as it should've. Only weakened me to the point where I appeared dead. My heart rate was so slow it was almost not beating," she took a break to catch her breath as grams signed for Jackson. I noticed that he didn't have his implants in today. He must've needed a break from hearing.

"Before my funeral, your great uncle came and took my body just as i regained some of my strength. Saving me from getting an autopsy, but since there was going to be no body he killed a random muggle and transfigured it to be me. Then when it was time for my cremation and burial, there would be no suspicion. The last two years I'd been a prisoner to that awful man, tortured almost daily. I'm not sure how it happened but I finally was able to escape. It took weeks but I managed to find the manor, and I knew I had to see you," she explained everything, doing her best not to break down. Trying not to relive all the terrible things she had been a victim to the last two years. It only made me hate the Carrow family more.

"Just like how your magic protected us and you from the torture curse in Dada class," Anne says graciously taking the mug Sirona held out to her, and soon we were all taking sips of the delicious beverage. This would be my siblings first time enjoying the well loved drink.

"But I didn't know too much about how to wield it. I was only 13 then, and even now I still don't really know much about it," I admit, highly overwhelmed by everything. Sebastian and Maddie each reached over taking one of my trembling hands, giving gentle squeezes.

"It must be more instinctive magic, rather than practical. The need to protect someone you care about being something that ignites it," Garreth hypothesized giving me a comforting look. Placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, from where he sat beside me.

"I think I need some time alone," I voiced after a few minutes of thinking things over. I excused myself before quickly exiting the cosy pub. Making my way down to the main square.

I sat down on the bench before the statue and just broke down. Uncontrollable sobs poured out of my body as the false pretenses of the last two years crashed down on me. It was all too much to deal with.

A strong pair of arms wrapped around me, bringing my head into their chest. The soothing scent of parchment flooded my senses, almost resetting my emotional system.

He just sat there holding me, running his long elegant fingers through my hair. Not speaking but allowing me to simple cry into his chest. I felt reassured and safe within his arms, calmed by his mere presence. As I always had felt over the years.

"Come darling, let's get you back to the alluring safety of the castle. A cup of tea should calm your worked up nerves," He cooed once I had let all the tears out, not having any more left to get rid of.

Together we walked over to the floo network spot and he called out for it to take us to the Hogwarts kitchens. Once there he brought me inside, asking Deek to prepare a herbal tea with honey.

"I'm sorry you had to feel all of that Ominis," I say after awhile of sitting in silence. Not really sure what to say at this point.

"It's alright Maggie, we've all got our troubles to deal with. It's just usually best not to face them alone," he replied tucking a stray curl behind my ear.

We sat there for a few hours just enjoying the other's company, doing our best to forget about what happened for a few hours. Then promised to face it together when the time came.

It was that day, and moment where I began falling harder for Ominis Gaunt.......

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