Chapter 3

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Our feet didn't stop until we were in the great hall, and of course since the sound of the door opening was loud everyone turned their attention on us. My friends, as it turns out were already inside their eyes widening upon seeing my hand still entwined with Ominis's.

From the Slytherin table sat the twins, they shared identical mischievous smirks as their eyes took in the sight of us. I had a feeling they were behind that disturbance in the hall, although they obviously didn't plan for that guy to bulldoze their friend.

"Why does it feel like the whole hall is looking at us?" The blonde asks from beside me, and despite his lack of sight, his other senses were far better than anyone elses.

"Not to alarm you, but it's because they are," I replied trying my best not to freak out, seeing as if that happened then I could very well blast the great hall into oblivion. Which was nothing that reparo couldn't fix, but avoiding that outcome all together would be a plus. "Nosy buggers got nothing better to do," adding a chuckle on for good measure, and that's when I let go of his hand.

"So it appears we have a unplanned date this weekend," he states, a smirk painting onto his face as well as a crimson blush. "Of course metaphorically speaking, considering you always attend the first trip with your friends,"

"Well yes I normally do attend with them. However I just blurted out the first person who came to mind, and since you were right there it was you. Now I can't stand you up even if it was originally a lie. I hate lying, so I guess you're stuck with me this weekend," I replied with a smile, and he smiled back.

Most likely sensing the gesture from me, probably from my tone. No doubt. Totally brushing over the fact that I literally just told him that I'd been thinking about him.

"Well then I look forward to our fake, now not so fake, outing," he says then made his way over to the Slytherin table and I headed off towards my friends. Garreth looked absolutely appalled whilst the girls were a puddle of giggles.

"If you keep overreacting I'm going to shoot you with ancient magic, which I now know how to wield," I state as I took a spot on the bench, loading my plate with pancakes and bacon. The last thing I wanted was an interrogation at breakfast.

"Out of all the guys did it have to be Gaunt?" Garreth muttered under his breath but I still heard him. Proceeding to smack him upside his ginger head.

"You're jealous that Magnolia is paying attention to a guy who isn't you," Lyla retorts wrapping her arm around me, placing her head on the crook of my shoulder. "I think they're a lovely couple," as she said that I spat out my apple juice, which went all over the table.

"Hold the phone there, what on gods green earth gave you the impression that Ominis and I were a couple? We're sort of friends but nothing more," I replied looking at them with wide eyes, how could they get that assumption after only seeing one interaction between us.

"Well I mean you were holding hands," Maddie implied after taking her eyes off of Sallow, who smirked at her, adding a wink for good measure.

"That's because this guy literally came out of nowhere and pushed Ominis to the floor, then proceeded to ask me out with the poor boy still on the ground. So like the civil person I am, I helped him up and got us both out of there quickly before I did something I'd regret. But whilst in a panic of rejecting that dude I told him that I'd be going to Hogsmeade with Ominis," I explained hoping it would take them off this new found assumption.

"Well you do tend to be a beacon for awkward situations," Maddie states, her cheeks still red from Sebastian's wink. That girl is so smitten it's adorable, and if only the Slytherin boy knew how much she truely liked him.

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