Chapter 9

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As the two of us sat in a comfortable silence, munching away on the tasty food. I couldn't help but think back to yesterday's potions lesson, particularly as to what Garreth and Anne said they smelled in the potion.

"I can sense you're deep in thought," Ominis broke the silence as well as my wandering mind "I'm all ears if you're willing to share." He set down the half of his ham and cheese sandwich that he'd been eating.

"Do you remember what Garreth smelled yesterday in the Amortentia?" I asked with a raised brow, to which he nodded. Urging me to continue my train of thoughts. "I hadn't thought much of it until now but thinking back he smelled my sister Levina, and somehow Anne smelled my brother Jackson. What I don't understand is how, as they've not met my siblings,"

It took him a few minutes to think on what I had told him "Maybe you smell the scents of your soulmate. I mean magic can be unpredictable at times despite people trying to see the future,"

"It could be plausible, it's just strange that they'd smell traces of my siblings despite never meeting them. In fact Garreth did seem terribly shocked that he didn't smell me within the potion," I replied, taking my napkin and wiping away some crumbs he had on his lip, which caused him to blush.

"Of course he was shocked, he's been following you around like a puppy for the last few years. Perhaps he really thought it would smell like you, yet when it didn't, he was crushed," he pondered raising his left eyebrow ever so slightly.

We talked about more possible answers to the strange realization as we continued to enjoy the picnic. Then after everything had been packed up, it was time to make the journey into the Pheonix den.

Wands were drawn as the two of us kept alert, ready for any ambushes that might come our way. As we travelled up the footpath, things were eerily quiet. Almost too quiet. Part of me hoped we weren't too late, the last thing we needed was for the poachers to get the poor Pheonix.

About half way to the entrance to the cave, Ominis gently grabbed my wrist. Pulling me back slightly.

"Ssh," he whispered into my right ear "I hear three sets of footsteps." We shuffled a few feet from the trail and crouched in the foliage. Placing ourselves under the cover of the disillusionment charm, not daring to move a muscle.

Just then three men came strutting down the path, complaining about getting sent to pick up things from one of their many camps. Those things were everywhere and at this rate, no beast was safe from being captured. Once in the clear we continued slowly, staying under the spell. If we could make it to the Pheonix without being seen, then there would be no need for fighting. Which was fine in my eyes really.

Inside the cave was pretty gloomy, apart from the small trickles of light coming from various openings within the roof. Or the few patches of greenery dotting the cliffs surrounding us.

"There better not be spiders in this place," I mumbled, having dealt with too many of the vile things. If they weren't a threat I'd leave them be, however they certainly aren't kind to humans.

"Now you've said that Maggie there's definitely going to be some," Ominis chuckled using his wand to get familiar with the uncharted surroundings.

I nudged him in response as my eyes surveyed the evident traces of poachers. Wooden bridges as well as barriers had been built, for a better means of getting around the somewhat cramped space. Wiggenweld potions were carelessly left on makeshift tables, and spare coins littered the floors and crates scattered about.

"Well then let's not make ourselves known to them, I'd rather not have to fight on such a lovely day," I state, grabbing the unused potions, slipping the viles into the pocket of my cardigan.

Under Pleasant Circumstances (Modern Day Ominis Gaunt)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن