chapter 5

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"So. Living it up in the new place are we?" Liam swings his arm around Harry's shoulder as they walk through the school gates together, smacking Harry in the stomach with his bag.

"Ow, fuck you." Harry groans as he pushes Liam's arm off him. Liam grins.

"Good morning or whatever."

Harry shakes his head smiling as they walk through the school. There is silence for a while before they reach their lockers (numbers 27 and 28) and Liam speaks up.


Harry shrugs. "It was... weird. Being with other kids. Like even though there's a worker, I felt like the most mature person there. Zayn's a homophobic bully, Niall reminds me of a too-happy toddler, Eleanor is uptight and in love with Louis, who is fucking gorgeou- normal. He's normal." Liam raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

"Feels like it's gonna be chaos." Harry mumbles and Liam smiles. "Sounds like a stereotypical high school movie to me." Harry pulls a face.

"Oh yeah, that stereotypical kid-gets-sent-to-childrens-home-because-of-gayness movie." Liam chuckles and bumps Harry's shoulder.

"Lighten up mate. You'll grow to love 'em."

"Not Zayn." Harry mumbles and Liam shrugs.

"You never know Harry. He could be going through something. That doesn't excuse him being a dick but still, it might be hard for him." Harry rolls his eyes good-naturedly as he shuts his locker.

"Yeah, maybe Mr Philosophical. I'll see you after second period?" Liam nods as Harry begins walking away.

"You'll love them!" Liam calls out, and Harry stifles a smile, shaking his head.

Harry walks with his head down, somewhat distracted as he finds his mind wandering. To the house, and Niall, and Louis, and Zayn, and Louis, and Loui- Someone bumps into him hard, interrupting his thoughts as his books tumble to the ground.

He looks up to see Luke sniggering, looking down at him. "Oops." The blonde boy laughs sarcastically and walks down the hall.

Harry rolls his eyes but says nothing, not wanting to provoke Luke any further. He silently picks up his book as the rest of the teenagers filling the hallway mill past, too busy to either notice or care. He spots his calculator halfway down the hallway (god knows how it got there) and winces as a large combat boot steps on it, smashing the insides. Fucking hell. Two hundred dollars down the drain.

Harry scurries to pick up the remnants of his calculator and speed-walks to his English class, now being late. He slumps into his seat and pretends to pay attention, willing the day to get better.

As it turns out, the rest of Harry's morning goes smoothly; he doesn't cross paths with Luke again and nothing really happens. He's just beginning to drift off to sleep in maths class, surrounded by Pythagoras theorem and stupid angles without a calculator when the bell rings for lunch.

Harry walks out the classroom and is immediately met with Liam, who has apparently been waiting outside the door for him.

"How was maths?" The two fall into step beside each other as the rest of the school mills around. Harry shrugs. "Average. Felt like falling asleep."

Liam laughs. "So valid. English go okay this morning?" Harry winces as he remembers his encounter with Luke.

"Eh. Got pushed over by Luke, dropped all my stuff in the corridor. Wouldn't care really but my calculator broke and those fuckers are like two hundred dollars."

Liam stopped walking and Harry sighs, stopping a few paces ahead. "That dickhead did what?" "It's nothing Li, I just don't know where I'll get the money to replace my calculator now that I can't ask my parents and my money and credit card are at home... I don't think I'm welcome there."

Harry turns around when Liam doesn't reply, and he sees his best friend aggressively typing out something on his phone. "Liam, please. No trouble." Liam rolls his eyes but doesn't stop typing.

"Liam!" "Fine, fine." Liam slides his phone into his pocket and they start walking again. "Do you have lunch?" Liam asks as they reach their lockers. Harry groans and tips his head back against his locker. "No, they didn't give me any and I didn't even think to ask."

"It's alright, I'll buy you something from the canteen." Harry shakes his head at Liam's offer. "No, I, I couldn't let you do that. "Liam bumps his shoulder into Harry's and laughs.

"Harry, it's nothing, really. I've got money, you know that." Harry sighs. "Yeah, okay. Thank you. I'll pay you back when I can, I promise."

Liam rolls his eyes. "So not needed. It's like ten dollars Harry. Besides, you need to save your money for a calculator." Harry groans again and kicks his locker. "Fuck. I forgot about that." Liam laughs. "It's okay, we'll figure that out later. Come on, let's have some food and you can tell me all about these kids."

The boys sits down with the pizza Liam had bought them and Liam stares at Harry expectantly. "Well?"

Harry shrugs as usual. "It seems average. I had breakfast with Niall and Louis this morning which was fun actually. Louis seems super nice, and he's got really pretty eyes..."

Harry trails off as he realises what he has said and immediately takes a massive bite of his pizza.

"Pretty eyes huh?" Liam teases and Harry feels his face heating up. "Yeah, they're blue. But Niall has blue eyes too, and he's Irish. You know, he reminds me of a leprechaun actually."

Liam ignores Harry's less-than-subtle attempt to change the topic. "How old is this Louis then?" Harry shrugs again. "Dunno. Don't know how old any of them are actually. Around our age?"

Liam nods. "Fair. Is the girl cute?" Liam wiggles his eyebrows as he speaks, making Harry laugh. "She's annoying. Don't know about cute... why? Do you want a girlfriend Li?"

"Eh. Who knows. Would take a pretty one though. If they're nice of course, personality over looks and all that." Liam adds hastily. Harry laughs again. "Sure, sure. I didn't spend much time with them last night but I guess I'll have to tonight. Sadly."

"Nah, you'll love them. I bet. How bad can it really be?"

famous last words Liam lol it can always be bad 😭

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