Chapter 7~ Killing Spree pt.2

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Mack's POV

As I walked out of the house Raine was there giggling and clapping. She must have been happy for me.

"You even got a signature and everything!!" She giggled happily and hugged me.

I smiled at her to hide the pain I felt. What my parents said kept echoing through my head.

"Thanks Raine."

"Is there anyone else you wanna kill?" She asked with a smile.

I thought for a moment. "Well, there are some bullies from my school...."

"Then let's go!!" She squealed happily. I guess she wanted to help this time.

I led the way to a fairly large house. I went in through the window like last time and Raine fallowed. She had on her usual big and happy smile, although this time it was more crazy.

I snuck up the stairs to where the bedrooms were. The first one was the parents room. Luckily they were asleep so I didn't have to deal with them. I closed the door and wandered down the hall silently. At the end of the hall way we came across a pink door. I opened the door to a painfully girly room. Seriously this thing made me wanna puke. I mean at least Raine's room didn't look like a damn pixie threw up on it. It was more like a rainbow threw up in her room, but hey, rainbows are better than pixies. Anyway!, I looked over to the bed to see Bri was fast asleep. She has bullied me sense kindergarten and frankly, she can die! I growled quietly as I stalked toward her bed.

Raine gave an evil and creepy grin and walked out of the room and to the parents room. She wasn't even trying to be quiet. I guess after a while you just get cocky. She hummed 'Hide and Seek' all the way there and walked in and closed the door behind her. All I heard after that was screaming and then silence.

(And that is what the sound of forgiveness is! XD if you get that you get a cookie.)

Bri woke up to the sound of the screams. She started to look around confused and afraid. I stood in the shadows so I wouldn't be seen. I started to laugh evilly.

"Hello, Bri. Long time, no see." I said as I neared the bed.

I could see the panic and fear in her eyes, from the slight moon light that came in through the windows, as I slowly neared her.

"W-who are y-you?" She stammered. I giggled at her fear and stood at the end of the bed so she could see me. "M-Mackenzie? Wh-what the hell are y-you doing here? I-I warn you I'll call the cops." She said in a threatening tone but the fear never left her eyes.

"Oh Bri, haven't you learned by now that no one can save you? Your parents are dead and the phone is downstairs. You can scream all you want but no one with hear you." I smiled and her facial features turned to nothing but shock and fear.

I lunged at her. I was on top and held her down so she wouldn't get away. I held my weapon to her face.

"Any last words?" I asked.

She whimpered as tears rolled down her face. I took it as a no. I started to stab her repeatedly in the chest. I stabbed her in other places too until she stopped screaming and moving. There was blood everywhere and I did the same as last time. I dipped my hands in her blood and wrote, 'IM A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH' on the wall. After that I left to find Raine.

When I finally found her she was sitting on the bed with one of the parent's body on each side of her. She was covered head to toe in blood but I didn't see a weapon anywhere. I wonder what she did. Somehow she had cut off their heads and had one in each hand. She started to move the heads so it looked like they were talking.

"Hello miss." She said as she moved the males mouth. She used a 'deep' voice.

"Hello! How have you been?" She said moving the women's mouth. She used a shrill voice.

"I'm great!" She said using the male again.

She then started to laugh like a maniac and fell backwards onto her back. She was kicking her feet in the air while giggling happily. I think she snapped a bit.

"Are you having fun?" I laughed.

"YES!! You wanna play?!" She asked as she sat up. She held out the dad's head to me.

"Sure." I said and walked over. I took the dad's head and sat down next to her.

She giggled happily. "Hello Mr. Dad!" She said using the same shrill voice as before.

"Hello Mrs. Mom! How are you doing on this lovely day?" I said using a deepish voice as I moved the head like it was a puppet.

She giggled. "I'm fabulous! How are you?!" She asked in the same shrill voice.

"I'm just peachy!" I said in the same maleish voice.

"That's fantastic!"

"I know, life is so amazing right now!" I laughed.

She started to laugh like a maniac again. Then we heard sirens and saw the blue and red lights. The popo were here.

Raine frowned. "Damn it." She mumbled.

She dropped her head then jumped out the window then she ran into the woods. I quickly fallowed behind her. Stupid cops. They always get in the way. They ruined the fun too! I thought as we ran.

Raine held out her arms like an airplane and giggled as she ran. I laughed as I watched her. She then turned around with a smile.

"So did you like it?" She asked.

"Hell yea!" I said. I mean how could I not?!

She laughed. "Well we should get home." She smiled.

"Okay, led the way." I smiled.

She started to skip through the woods all the way home humming 'Come Little Children'. (Song above ^^. And don't judge mlp). I smiled and hummed along with her.

Okay Wolfie! Hope you like how this happened. If you're wondering how Raine killed them you're just going to have to wait and she. Hehe.

Anyway! I was reading through my story because I have no life, lol, and I saw that I have some mistakes. I'm probably going to be going through and fixing those.

Well remember!
And check out MackEXE!

Bye bye now!!

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